Quote of the Day – October 1 2012

“If you can learn a simple trick, Scout, you’ll get along a lot better with all kinds of folks. You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view, until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it.”
–Atticus Finch (To Kill a Mockingbird)


What is it you can’t stand? Who do you despise? Do you have problems with the heads of any particular governments? Can you just not abide at all the people who run the banks? Your boss? People on welfare? Bigots? Rapists? Child Molesters? When was the last time you tried to truly empathize with them? Could you walk a mile in Mitt Romney’s shoes and understand him? I don’t say agree but truly understand his viewpoint and where he’s coming from. To me this is the true epitome of empathy and if you can’t do that then there well, you still haven’t gotten it.

How can we consider ourselves compassionate if we only empathize with the people who we like and agree with. If nothing else, understanding may bring solution where not understanding  just exacerbates. Yes its difficult.  I’ve worked at this most of my life and it saddens me that more don’t do the same.  Very few people are villains in their own mind and understanding may actually make it easier to  change these viewpoints.

Blessings, G

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Creation Mandala by G A Rosenberg


Journey Mandala by G A Rosenberg

2 thoughts on “Quote of the Day – October 1 2012”

  1. Namaste G,
    Lovely themes you have today. The key energy here seems to be Black Onyx or Black Obsidian and the African Banded Agate.

    The hidden properties of Black Onyx are:
    Stabilization and soothing of one’s ‘mood’ or ’emotions’ e.g. melancholy, strengthening the resistance towards dullness and distress. It was known to assist One in understanding the karma of One’s journey. Black onyx is a grounding and balancing stone.

    Agate: Agates are more commonly used for healing and protection from ‘negative energy’. There aren’t any ‘right or wrong’ when using this stone as it is commonly used in general around the homes. The agates with banded colors were placed at the head of a sleeper to give rich and varied dreams. It is THE stone to have in general for good health, mental and emotional clarity and many, many more helpful and effective functions.

    It’s strange that I’m finding the agate energy in your mandalas as I’ve been designing my friends’ jewelries yesterday and they seem to attract agates energy in their aura .. so … I’ve used African banded Agates for them.

    Talking about synchronicity … it’s truly amazing.
    Wishing you and yours, a beautiful and joyful week ahead.

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