Quote of the Day – January 9 2013

“The way you live your day is a sentence in the story of your life. Each day you make the choice whether the sentence ends with a period, question mark, or exclamation point.”
― Steve Maraboli


I believe that each minute brings choices, perhaps they are words in our life’s sentence.  So many things call for our attention and so many people. We have only so much time and so many things to fill it with.  Lately I can totally relate to the line in Peaceful Warrior that “there is never nothing going on”. The question is to what do we give our focus? This week I have been doing the big push to finishing the tarot pictures. As of tonight’s card, I have four left to go and I would really like to get a start on editing them and putting them in some form of book or set. Of course, my son just went back to school and there are a number of things that require attention there as well as house, partner, pets and friends both online and off.  I find myself distractible  at the best of times and this is incredible but still what sentence do I wish to write and how do I intend it to contribute to the whole story? When it comes down to it, people are more important than things so while I may limit my involvement with the outside world until I’m finished, I will still be there for loved ones. I can’t wait to see what the next paragraph will bring. 🙂
Blessings, G


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The Lovers

Tarot Trump VI – The Lovers by G A Rosenberg


Star-Crossed by G A Rosenberg

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