Rapture and Art

“The goal of life is rapture. Art is the way we experience it.”
–Joseph Campbell


There is something about creating art and sharing it that is both enriching and blissful. It has definitely been a way to connect with people on a profound level and I am grateful for the art that flows through me and for each of you that looks at my pictures and reads these words. It has been a gift and one that I hope continues. I have gained a greater appreciation as well for the art that I look at whether it is that created by others or just the aesthetics of the world I live in each day. When I am out, I find myself snapping photos almost continuously of things that may seem silly to most but that strike me as sublime, whether it is the angle of a plant or flower or a shadow or even the texture of a particular wall or sidewalk. Lately some of my photos have been finding their way into my art so again there is that sense of exchange.
Blessings, G


Click on images to see full-sized:


Winged FlightWinged Flight by G A Rosenberg


PileUpFive Star Pile-Up by G A Rosenberg

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