Joy of the Ravens (September 2017)


Wow something in the air the last couple of days. I have seen more people in conflict with each other and more molehills being mountanized than ever. I wish this didn’t feel quite so much like an escalation of an ongoing trend but it does. People seem to be in either shitstirring or hyper vigilant attack mode and at least for me its losing its entertainment value.
Here are a few suggestions if you feel yourself getting angry at something another person has said, done or posted:
a) ask yourself does it matter? Does it matter in the moment and will it matter an hour from now? Is this worth annoying myself with? Chances are unless you are really really bored the answer is no.
b) Other good questions. Is anything I say going to fix this? Will my response or showing my annoyance cause any change in the situation? Do I have anything to add? Remember, if what the other person is saying is stupid, you can’t fix stupid. You can enjoy watching it expose itself.
c) Take a pause before you respond. Go for a walk, make some coffee or whatever beverage, just wait. Still feel like responding? Go for it.
This has been a public service announcement. Sans guitars.


Click on images to see full-sized
Dagaz Rune by GAR


The Return of the Ravens by GAR


Wunjo Rune by GAR


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