Gain, Destruction, Regain (October 2017)


All aboard the enlightenment express. The only time it slows down is when you think you’ve reached the destination.!!!

I always get a kick out of it when people refer to themselves as being enlightened. I find it difficult not to reply with “Really, to what? and to what extent?”. I gave up seeing enlightenment as a destination and started seeing it as a never-ending process quite awhile ago. To use a metaphor that I use quite a bit, its not a switch but a dial with infinite graduations. There are all too many who not only believe that they are enlightened but state so quite often.
I look forward to gaining more and more gnosis and understanding. I will ride this train for the rest of my life. Yet I know that there are lots of bypasses and stops on this journey. I wouldn’t have it any other way.


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Fehu Rune by GAR


Gnosis by GAR


Destroyer of Worlds (redux) by GAR


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