Notes on: The Nine of Wands


Artist’s Notes:
The warrior has fought and won many battles. He has grown older and more bloodied over the years and all those he fought for have prospered. Now he stands ever on guard to ensure that they continue to do so. He tends his garden like the fighter he is.
If there are times when he is a bit too quick to react, he is blameless. Too often his reactions were all that forestalled disaster for his tribe. Now even though it is a time of peace, he remains ever on guard.
About the Archetype:
The suit of Wands deals with force-creative, spiritual, and vital. The Nines represent a coming to completion of the energy involved if not the completion itself. This energy has been through almost its whole cycle of manifestation. It has seen conflicts and resolutions and though weary it is ready for anything that comes its way. Tho after encountering conflict and emerging victorious do we forever after have the expectation of conflict somewhere in our minds. Are we perhaps too ready to see everything as a conflict? Perhaps or perhaps we have come to a healthy point where we see everything that comes our way positive or negative as being a challenge. The difference between a conflict and a challenge is that while conflict always needs to be met with either greater conflict or surrender, a challenge takes much more flexibility and fluidity.
Astrological Correspondence:
Moon in Sagittarius – This energy is both competitive and adaptable. It is not a laboured one that thoroughly plans its every move but one that changes to fit every contest. It grows impatient when held to any plan. The Moon in Sagittarius is optimistic and its optimism carries it through no matter what it may encounter. It is a very at-the-moment energy and will always forge its own unique path even if it’s not willing to stick around and take responsibility for debris in its wake afterwards.
In a reading:
When the Nine of Wands shows up in a reading, there may be an indication that it is time to marshal our strength and be in readiness for conflict. It may also mean that we are ready to take on any challenge that may come our way and be able to meet it fully. The Nine of Wands may also mean that we are involved in a contest for the ‘thrill of the game’ rather than to gain anything specific. This card often speaks of a great struggle, depending on where it comes in the reading, it is either ongoing, in the past or about to start. In any case, it is a challenge that will be well met.
The Nine of Wands reversed or badly aspected in a reading may show that we are being over-cautious and hyper-vigilant. We may have been preparing ourselves for a great battle for so long that we have grown rigid and unyielding and jumped at shadows. It can mean that we need to become vulnerable for a while so that we can once again be ready to engage with proper and flexible readiness.
Fate’s Whisper:
It is rare when the Tiger slows his step. Some have seen him deem petty artists great threats and in doing so blessed them with his creativity so he may further his growth. Many immortals speculate on how effective this method of growth has been for them as the result are never consistent. This urge has led to the great works such as Alice in Wonderland, the Mona Lisa, and many more. The more others threatened his creative standing the wilder he became.
While we may not be the Tiger it is important to establish where you stand in your life. Define what you are good at and why as this will reduce unneeded paranoia. Our time and skill cap is only as the time and effort we spend honing it. All in for a year can make someone just as good as decades of experience that was used haphazardly. The most important part though is to stay in your lane as this will bring the best success.

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