Expanding Awareness (December 2017)


Do you listen to the voices in the night?
Their silent whispering at the edges of consciousness
teaching and leading, tempting and tricking
Learn or face yourself; learn to face yourself
expand and become, ever become


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Ngeadall (Broom) by GAR


In Her Cave by GAR


Expanding Awareness Sigil by GAR


Soft Realities (December 2017)


I tend to see reality as being soft. Oh there is hard reality – deaths of loved ones, physical injury and the pain of growing up. These things tend to be universal. Most reality is a lot softer and open to interpretation. Two people can see the same sequence of events and yet process it in such different ways that an outsider hearing the two talks would find it difficult to be convinced that they weren’t two different sequences altogether. The Mandela effect tends to be strong and things are remembered differently. Add a third person and a third reality emerges.


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Muin (Vine) by GAR


Contemplation of the Soul (Redux) by GAR


Between a Rock and a Soft Reality by GAR


In the Forest, In the City (December 2017)


Most times they speak to me quietly
whispered information; new knowledge
and things I need to know
Other times it comes as a shout
imperatives that I can’t refuse
or shouldn’t
more than one they have saved me from rough times
I’ve learned to listen
to those voices
and respect from where they come.


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Quert (Apple) by GAR


Heading Off to Work (Redux) by GAR


Lord of the Woods (redux) by GAR


Oak Doorways and Strange Places (December 2017)


Hey Boys and Girls. Uncle Gary is going to give you a piece of advice on how to avoid unnecessary drama. When people come to you with a tale about other people, even if its juicy gossip, don’t pass it on. Don’t return it to the source just take that bag and unless you have some plants that need fertilization, dispose of that shit. I have never had good results from passing on that kind of shit and it has a bad tendency to blow back in one’s face and no one wants to be smelling that.


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R’lyeh Wonderland by GAR


Dair (Oak) by GAR


Spirit Filled Swamp by GAR


Hidden Faces (November 2017)


By self-enchantment, alignment and iconoclasm the divine artist ensorcels belief, identifies with its apotheosis and, through his complete identification, the object or icon of belief ceases to be other.
— Andrew Chumbley


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Reflecting on Misdeeds Past and Yet to Come (redux) by GAR


Repose by GAR


Masque Calling by GAR


Time’s Tyranny (November 2017)


“They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.”
― Andy Warhol


This is another where I love all three pictures. Two of them are older ones having to do with time and machinery and a certain resistance I have to both. It was around this period when I had the realisation that in all likelihood I had read over half the books I would ever read in my life and I heard the clock ticking away. Of course time exists as a construct. Something to measure change against that actually works to stifle change. Don’t believe me? When was the last time you had to meet a deadline and found that it stifled any creative course that you might have taken? Time used to be how we marked the changes in ourselves and our environment but the servant has all too often become the master. We can free ourselves yet too often we embrace our servitude to the tick tock tick tock that we consider our existence.
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Woman of Uniqe Vision Confronted by Faces of Time (redux) by GAR


Ready to Start by GAR


Caught Up in a Clockwork Nightmare (Redux) by GAR

Shifting Pathways (November 2017)


Shifting influences
calling to me
Messages coming through
The kaleidoscope turns continuously
and only a fool believes
that he is the same
from day to day.
Will I allow this
or move forward resisting?
Friends, alliances…nothing is constant
except the new face in the mirror
as the winds pick up.


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Moving Through Space by GAR


Woman of the Wise (redux) by GAR


Hearing the Call by GAR