Nots on: The Prince of Wands

(Chance’s Archer)

Artist’s Notes
Of all the court cards, the Prince of Wands is the most charismatic. He effortlessly entices people into breaking their own codes just to prove he can do it then he will turn around and help you to reinvigorate your ethical code in a more robust fashion. He is creative and fierce and he will constantly get you to improve your game even if it is only to keep up. He is portrayed as a centaur and he will ruthlessly end up with whatever or whoever he is hunting
About the Archetype:
The suite of Wands deals with force-creative, spiritual, and vital and is associated with the element of Fire. Princes deal with the transmission and the endurance of the energy, the result of the union of the King’s Force and the Queen’s generative and nurturing of the energy. He combines the spirituality intrinsic to Wands with the quality of intellect inherent to the Princes. He is generous and honourable yet mischievous and tormenting. He is swift in movement and in his interests and his energy can cover a lot of diverse ground very quickly. He has an amazing and constant sense of humour and sees the funny side to just about anything and while he may seem cruel in his jests he is seldom ill-intentioned. Due to his innate ability to read others, he can often sense just how far he can take the joke without going overboard. He is romantic and loves to be exposed to anything that is novel and new including cultures and beliefs. At his worst, he will descend into cruelty and sadism and leave behind scorched wreckage in his wake.
Astrological Correspondent:
21° Cancer – 20° Leo Elemental: Air of Fire – This combination of Cancer and Leo qualities could be seen as a mystical extrovert. Ever able to create spiritual connections and then communicate them outward. He would have a love and appreciation of beauty but due to his ability to see beyond the surface, he would be able to perceive beauty where others would not. He may be seen to have many ideas that are extreme and unusual in nature tho due to his charismatic nature he will always have people who will listen to him. He is not without empathy yet it is one that is used to call more attention to himself.
In a Reading:
The Prince of Wands in a reading can often refer to a person or energy who is going to change your world ofttimes in a very literal sense. This card can often signify a change in residence or environment. It often refers to an energy that springs into your life with little or no warning. This energy is often difficult to resist so it is best to let ourselves get swept up into things so that they can be taken care of in the best way possible. The Prince of Wands can also refer to a new project that we should approach with lots of enthusiasm but not so much that we lose sight of the objectives. With this energy, honest and realistic communication oft becomes a necessity
When the Prince of Wands turns up reversed or badly aspected in a reading, it can mean that things have gone awry and are in a state of confusion. It may mean that we have been expecting things around us to fall into place and have become thrown when we have not met with the cooperation that we have been expecting. Usually, this happens when we have failed to pay attention to details. The Reversed Prince of Wands may also mean that we find ourselves facing unexpected delays
Fate’s Whisper:
Among the armies that swear loyalty to the Pillars, the Tigers are some of the greatest warriors for generational wars. Each volley of the arrows inspires a myriad of emotions of ideas in all they strike warping myths and rewriting wronger survivors. They offer a second chance to those who are out of place for their era and offer refuge to the artisans who were not recognized for their genius.
Safeguarding another’s dreams can be a daunting task. Much failure awaits as those who hold the dreams fall over and over. Many will blame you for not helping but they have yet to take the hand you have offered. Be patient as they walk they will come around when they finally understand. When the last bow is fired be there to offer that refuge they need as well as a hug to comfort the wounds they are still licking.