Artist’s Notes
It is relatively easy to stand your ground with an equal opponent especially when you have something to fight for or protect even if it is your own sense of honour. It is another thing, to do so when the odds are stacked against you. Still, if you hold on to your own sense of being and keep in mind why you’re doing it, you can stand strong and triumph knowing that you hold the high ground.
About the Archetype:
The suite of Wands deals with force-creative, spiritual, and vital. Sevens represent our desires and wants and the paths and challenges we take to achieve them. The Seven of Wands energy represents our drive to move forward and advance no matter what challenges may be in our way. It represents courage in the face of adversity and the confidence that we can have the outcome that we desire even tho the odds may be stacked against us. Quite often this energy represents individual effort and courage as opposed to a group dynamic. Facing fears and obstacles we may only face defeat once, while if we avoid conflict and give in to fear then we live in a state of constant defeat.
Astrological Correspondent:
Mars in Leo – The Mars in Leo energy is confident, dramatic, and passionate. It is a very optimistic energy and there is a flare to everything it does. Its antithesis is disloyalty. Mars in Leo thrives on adversity and loves a challenge. It may play to the audience on its way to whatever its next challenge may be.
In a Reading:
When the Seven of Wands shows up in reading then it is a time of courage. We may be asked to defend ourselves and our position against challenges. This may happen in physical competition or in an academic situation such as defending one’s thesis or engaging in a debate. The Seven of Wands councils holding to what we know is right no matter how many oppose us. It may also represent a question as to our motive in engaging in conflict. Are we doing it to defend what is right or are we doing it because we love conflict itself? Quite often the love of a dramatic conflict may become something of an addiction as the need to prove one’s courage over and over again. The card may also represent the ability to discern when a conflict is winnable or not.
When the Seven of Wands occurs reversed or badly aspected then the querent may be in a state of hesitation or equivocation and need to find their inner hero. It may also represent a time when it is not necessary to prove one’s courage just for the sake of it.
Fate’s Whisper:
In the time when the gods were at the peak of their worship, a gamble was placed. The gods challenged a Tiger to a duel of Relevance. If they could render him not needed for 100 years he would serve as their pet. They would be met a chuckle of acceptance and a warning to not have too much fun. After 20 years humans built up by godly egos would be “inspired” to create a tower to honour their achievements.
With that passion, the tower rose higher and higher into the sky till it challenged the very might of a certain jealous god. In his fury, he would bring down not only his authority but the authority of everyone around it and cause a certain bet to be lost. As the tower fell the gods could only watch in horror as the Tiger rode the collapsing tower like an enraged bull as he winked at them.
Blessed with patience the Tiger knew he had to do nothing to win the foolish bet. Like the gods of old, they all had cycles. Make the same mistakes over and over again blind to this very cycle. It is the way of the strong to recognize the cycles around them, including their own, to best control every situation that comes their way. Take into account the habits of those around you as well as your own. Ask who has the most to gain in this situation as it currently stands. Only then will you truly take the high ground and your dominance in one fell swoop.