Quote of the Day – April 5 2012

“How could drops of water know themselves to be a river? Yet the river flows on”
–Antoine de Saint-Exupery

We know ourselves to be part of a greater whole and at times we feel it. We cannot know  what it is to be that whole yet still we exist both sovereign and part. And still we flow

Blessings, G

(Below is the start of a story I was playing around with to go with tonight’s picture. It needs some reworking tho. I am starting to understand better what it is to write. )

She stands at the entrance to the temple
I was told I may be allowed in
Three questions to be asked and answered
Honesty counts
but then it always has..

Click on image to see full-sized

Priestess In the New Temple by G A Rosenberg

5 thoughts on “Quote of the Day – April 5 2012”

    1. Antoine de Saint Exupery and especially Le Petit Prince have been influential in my life for sure, I have used several quotes by him 🙂

  1. My husband and i were just discussing connection and spirituality today, more specifically to the earth, but i think its funny when i come across things that so directly connect with where i’m at. great posts

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