Quote of the Day – June 18 2012

“If you can see your path laid out in front of you step by step, you know it’s not your path. Your own path you make with every step you take. That’s why it’s your path.”
― Joseph Campbell



Sometimes tho rarely I believe I travel in a straight line. My time on the physical journeyed from birth to death with some brightly lit highlights along the way. Other times when I think of emotional patterns or areas of concern my life takes a spiral shape with certain things being revisited with hopefully a greater grasp on them each time. Oh circular patterns fit in also.



There are times I have felt as if I’ve lost all rhyme and rhythm with certain points of trauma calling me back and calling me back sticking to my soul like fresh tar that the more I resist the more I’m stuck. More and more often now tho I see a fractal pattern to my life, motifs get repeated like musical hooks played by different instruments at different times and in different keys, providing either dissonance or harmony as needed.



As Joseph Campbell said tho, we cannot really see the path ahead of us. Who knows looking back thirty years from now, how it will look. Still the journey has been pretty strange and wonderful so far and whatever comes I am open and ready.
Blessings, G



Click on image to see full-sized

Multi-Dimensional Mandala by G A Rosenberg

Journey on a DNA Landscape by G A Rosenberg

3 thoughts on “Quote of the Day – June 18 2012”

  1. A numerologist told me many years ago (maybe 25) that I would be doing something that I (at the time) could not conceive of… She was right!
    There was no way (at that time) that I could have imagined where the path led; nor would I have been able to even imagine it….!
    Can’t say that I always have enjoyed it… I seem to be ‘in sync’ with others for such a short time and then I’m moved on to the next step (which has generally been ‘out of step’ with most). Oh well, such is my path…. 😉
    It certainly does have its rewards though…! (Not complaining guys)…

    1. So many of the turns my life have taken have been so different from anything I ever would have imagined

      1. Here, here; we just aren’t capable of thinking for tomorrow with the thoughts of today…. And, as I mentioned, the understandings that I have been given today I could not possibly have conceived nor understood (or even imagined) in yesteryears….

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