Quote of the Day – November 9 2012

“What’s in store for me in the direction I don’t take?”
― Jack Kerouac

Today I was a freedom fighter, standing up for the rights of my chosen family against the despots occupying my land. Today I reached a new breakthrough at the meditation retreat and wondered if I would ever have to go back. Today someone put flowers on my grave. Today i sold a record amount. Today I crossed another day off the calendar and realized that in three months my time was up and I would be released. Today I invoked gods and goddesses, understood and steeped myself in ignorance…So many versions of me existing just a ripple away, Tho all in their own way are growing in awareness and understanding no matter how hard they fight it. Each of them explore some other meaning and perhaps one of them is you.
Blessings, G

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Pensive by G A Rosenberg

Universal Eye by G A Rosenberg


Pensive Inversion by G A Rosenberg

3 thoughts on “Quote of the Day – November 9 2012”

  1. In the midst of crossings that I was passing, I stopped and thought where did i come from and where do I go from here to? I had my faith, my knowledge and strength , then I asked my heart, which path would make you happy, it guided me with a blind folded eye, unknowingly I stepped on that path. Sometimes hurdles were crossed, enemies were fought and lastly, faith helped when no other way was known, lastly my heart stopped..pumped no more, felt no more..my journey ended..and I was gone.

  2. Thought provoking interpretation of the Kerouac quote. I was reminded of a past post of yours on The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost. Frost had it easy with only two roads to choose from – in my experience the crossroads more often offers a multitude of possibilities. How then do we choose? We can follow the heart or logic or we can use chance or intuition but we will never know where the other paths might have taken us, except in imagination. Action is necessary at the crossroads otherwise we will be standing there for ever saying um and ah. Is action faith? Whatever path we choose we need to let go of the others and keep on truckin….

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