Quote of the Day – December 16 2012

“As you get older it is harder to have heroes, but it is sort of necessary.”
― Ernest Hemingway


Harder? I seem to find heroes everywhere I go. Oh they may seem mundane to most, insane to some but for me heroes, nonetheless. The single mother who has worked to raise her children and provide for them who advocates for the one with a disability. The man who after a long period of homelessness starts a non-profit to help others and to show others how capable they are of helping. The musicians and artists who turn down prestigious gigs in countries with horrible records of human rights. The teacher who hides her first grade students away before a gunman comes in and kills her. Anyone out there who offers hope to another. People who show the beauty of their being in astonishing ways big or small. I have many heroes and discover new ones every day. New stars appear in my sky nightly.
Blessings, G


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Seven of WandsTarot- Seven of Wands by G A Rosenberg


Space Reverie
Space Reverie by G A Rosenberg

0 thoughts on “Quote of the Day – December 16 2012”

  1. Heroes live for ever. Some are our national heroes, some the world knows, others only we know and few, nobody knows..but they are heroes . Because, heroism is the very act of courage and intelligence, that keeps sacrifice a step towards saving the human lives, with self or knowledge, song or medicine..they are our heroes forever..

    1. Yes exactly… tho one of my favourite of all time songs is David Bowie’s Heroes

      “We can be heroes
      just for one day”

      imagine tho one day leading to the next to the next taking the chances that come our way to be heroic and / or angelic as a friend of mine would say

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