Quote of the Day – December 7 2012

“I live in my dreams — that’s what you sense. Other people live in dreams, but not in their own. That’s the difference.”
― Hermann Hesse, Demian


I’m comfortable here in my dreams. I know most of the beings who hang out, the fears and insecurities, the monsters under my bed i know by name and play cards with them. My hopes, they may play hide and seek but they’re here and the best wardrobe closet i can think of…. (even that pirate shirt I lost in reality)
And the people… people I’ve known or will know, people who only show up there…and yes sometimes when I am lucky or feel more lucid than others…I can actually see the road between dream and reality and step by step turn one into the other.
Blessings, G



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Expanded Awareness

Peak Experience by G A Rosenberg

Atomic PurpleAtomic Purple by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – December 6 2012

“The ache for home lives in all of us. The safe place where we can go as we are and not be questioned.”
― Maya Angelou


Finding out where i’m supposed to be
and its here
all of my choices have brought me here
all the battles I have fought
all the teachings I have sought
everything I’ve lost and won
everything I dropped once begun
all my wishes all my prayers
all my sadness all the layers
the liars and soothsayers
all brought me to this place
were really forms of grace
allowing me to face
eternity and that’s here


More and more home becomes a state of mind. One that denotes comfort, love and warmth and familiarity. Sometimes we have to leave this state in order to appreciate it more and sometimes we never find it.  In my life, I have been fortunate to meet a few people who wore their homes like turtles wherever they went. Those people always seemed present in everything they said or did. That inspires me more than I can say. I wish everyone the chance to find their inner home.
Blessings, G

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Goddess of Colours

Goddess of Colours by G A Rosenberg

The Chariot

Tarot Trump VII – The Chariot by G A Rosenberg



Quote of the Day – December 5 2012

“The inherent principles of human existence are summed up in the single law of solidarity. This is the golden rule of humanity, and may be formulated thus: no person can recognise or realise his or her own humanity except by recognising it in others and so cooperating for its realisation by each and all. No man can emancipate himself save by emancipating with him all the men about him.”
–Mikhail Bakunin


In other words we’re all in this together. The only way I can transcend is by acknowledging your journey and her journey and his journey and most importantly … see that guy across the way… the one whom I’ve had all that trouble with…man i’ve hated that guy — and you know what— in order to grow, to develop, to self-actualize I need to acknowledge that that is also his destiny and he deserves equal consideration. Sure takes all the fun out of hating… Not that it was ever a lot of fun. We even need to feel compassionate for people who do horrible things to others… Rapists, colonizers , etc, we need to understand them and feel what they’re feeling. Does that mean we have to condone their actions or even allow them. No, but maybe we need to understand them from the inside which just may help us to help them knock it off. It could just mean that we stop what they’re doing but we do it with understanding, that can be the hardest of all.

The Mayans have agreeting  En Lak’ech ala k’in  which means something along the lines of “You are another me”. If we truly believe this than we can begin to understand. Again that does not mean condone. How many times have we been unbelievably hard on ourselves. It simply acknowledges kinship and understanding.
Blessings, G


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Abstract Awakenings
Abstract  Awakenings by G A Rosenberg


Reception UncertainReception Uncertain by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – December 4 2012

“Creativity is contagious, pass it on”
– Albert Einstein

Do you believe that magic exists? that spells may be woven, that things may be changed through sheer will? Well of course you do. We’ve all read of parents able to lift cars off endangered children and speed records being broken. We do the unusual every day and sometimes the miraculous just takes longer. Just think, every day, every minute we create our reality and see others creating theirs. This doesn’t mean that there is not an underlying objective reality after all the elephant exists no matter how many different parts of it we grab. But the perspective we have at any given moment and how that changes, that is miraculous. We can go from villain of the story to hero or backwards, we can become mighty or week, our mates can be the most amazing people we know or the most horrible. We create every moment we can’t help ourselves and yes it is contagious. You’re it. May I never be cured.
Blessings, G

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Building the Mystery

Building A Mystery by G A Rosenberg

The Empress

Tarot Trump III – The Empress by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – December 3 2012

“All people dream, but not equally.
Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their mind, wake in the
morning to find that it was vanity. But the dreamers of the day are dangerous
people, For they dream their dreams with open eyes, And make them come
― D.H. Lawrence

How many dreams of ours, either waking or sleeping are just there to clear the mind of a passing fancy?  How many are way pointers, sign posts that we are being called to be something better than we’ve been, to become something greater?  How many are silly or silly on the face of things until we look at them and then discover there is greater meaning than we ever realized ? How many of those dreams tell of things we wish we could do or things that seem like really brilliant ways of helping the world if only we could hold on to the details? What will it take to make one of your wishes come true?

Blessings, G

PS – The Dream Teaching picture below is the first of what may well be a series of astral vision images that come from connecting to another person’s energy and seeing how I can best portray it . At some point in the near future, I may offer these for a nominal fee to any who may be interested. 

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Dream Teachings

Dream Teaching by G A Rosenberg

Top Still Spinning After the Gold RushTop Still Spinning After the Gold Rush by G A Rosenberg

Nine of Pentacles – Redux


Peaceful in the yard

Fulfillment well becomes you

On to the next thing



Once all your needs are fulfilled where will you go?
What new roads may you find in your garden?
New seeds sown and new thoughts planted
new paths sought
yet still the old beauty remains


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Nine of Pentacles
Tarot – Nine of Pentacles by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – December 2 2012

“Adapt what is useful, reject what is useless, and add what is specifically your own.”
― Bruce Lee

Tho sometimes the most difficult thing may be to discern the difference between the three. So many things in my life that I thought useless that later on became essential to know and things I thought I would always be able to use that later on proved useless. So many cant’s and shouldn’ts

What have I to offer that is totally my own? Perhaps just what is in each of use to offer, a unique perspective. Noone else looks at things exactly the way that each of us do. We each hold views of the universe that can be static but when we listen to another, the kaleidoscope that is our reality tunnel shifts just a little and if open to it we can see the world in a whole new way.
I am eternally grateful to those who have turned the kaleidoscope for me and I hope I in turn have turned it for others
Blessings, G

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Angelic Art Play
Angelic Art Play by G A Rosenberg
Explosive Mandala
Explosive Mandala by G A Rosenberg