Quote of the Day – January 7 2013

“The warrior who trusts his path doesn’t need to prove the other is wrong”
— Paulo Coelho


I have noticed a disturbing trend lately. People, who’s opinion I value and whom I think of as amazing spiritual beings interested in self-development have problems when they encounter someone who’s on a path that’s way different then the theirs.  It’s as if by living my life a certain way I am challenging their sense of themselves. What makes this even more strange is that they see this as being a horrible thing to do and occasionally feel victimized by my stating my truth. I LOVE having my sense of self challenged and tested.  Quite often it points out my blind spots and enables me to learn. By integrating someone else’s story with mine I can learn so much and often gain a lesson in compassion. If we fully live in our story and that includes not only the possibility of change but the inevitability of it as well, then we can face another’s story with pleasure even if it is wildly different. Do we only go to movies or read books that only show people similar to ourselves or do we go to for a brief time inhabit another world.  Why would we condemn the world that we can enter through another’s eyes? Blessings, G


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Nine of Swords
Tarot – Nine of Swords by G A Rosenberg


Spoked by G A Rosenberg

0 thoughts on “Quote of the Day – January 7 2013”

  1. Tolerance…it is something we struggle with and hope to be able to practice. It is difficult when those who are so adverse to what we believe are so intolerant of us by using the violence of words and sometimes physical violence ending often in death against that it makes non-violence demonstrations of tolerance extremely difficult to maintain. I am non-violent but wouldn’t I protect someone who was being beaten to death?

    I love your new Tarot card the 9 of swords. I am assuming it is new. If I am mistaken, I apologize. I sense you arrived back safely and your travels were agreeable. jk 😉

    1. Yes it is new and strangely for a card, I was a bit intimidated by, the execution went well (it helped that I had a willing model and a dog that helped by staying out of frame ) 🙂

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