Quote of the Day – February 20 2013

“Dance, when you’re broken open. Dance, if you’ve torn the bandage off. Dance in the middle of the fighting. Dance in your blood. Dance when you’re perfectly free.”
― Rumi


I have a bit of a confession, folks. When it comes to dancing as in at a club or at a wedding I kind of suck. Oh I can figure out the movements and possibly the rhythm but hardly ever do the twain meet. For years this stopped me from even trying to dance. Of course being out of step with those around me has been a fairly common theme in my life. In a similar way I can perceive the rhythms and I can get the steps yet  they are not my steps so when I try to do them it becomes somewhat unnatural.
Sometime in the last few years tho I loosened up quite a bit. I’ve started dancing my own steps to the music in my head and whether or not it suits other’s aesthetics it expresses my own and that’s a good thing. There is something amazing and prayer like in movement and letting yourself go. Likewise, in my life, I have given up trying to fit into anyone else’s definitions except that of my life itself.
Blessings, G


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The DancerReality Alters When the Dance Begins by G A Rosenberg


FractalizeFractualize by G A Rosenberg

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