Sunday Art Explosion

Kaleidoscopic Thoughts
Patterns and Colours elicit memories
that keep returning in small measure
Fractal repeating tropes
that resolve sometimes in local fashion
more often in infinite expression.


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Electric AztecElectric Aztec by G A Rosenberg


Electric Water LilyWater-Lilly by G A Rosenberg


Black Light ExplosionBlack Light Explosion by G A Rosenberg

Tarot Post – Six of Pentacles

Six of Pentacles (Success)

Six of PentaclesSix of Pentacles (Revised) by G A Rosenberg


An Act of balance

Receive then pay it forward

Move forward, give back.


I see a need
that I can answer
No! Value exchanged
balance maintained
Payment always forward
as we are never the same
we give and receive
which is harder?
grace or graciousness
It’s all flow
we assign the worth
and so transform lives
especially our own
I see a need that I can answer
You appreciate the chance to give back
we both exchange value
and balance is maintained

— G A Rosenberg

The suit of Pentacles refers to the element of Earth and of practical matters such as money and partnerships both of a business nature and of the home. They can also represent nature, the Earth itself as well as our bodies. Sixes represent balance and harmony. What does it mean to balance out practical matters? A large part of it has to do with how we interact with others, how we give and how we receive. Do we give because we perceive needs that we can fulfill and it only makes sense that we do so. Perhaps we remember when others have helped us out and by paying it forward we realize we can keep the cycle going. Perhaps we realize that even tho there is a perceived inequality that it is illusory, we gain as much in the giving as in the receiving. The scales balance out. Do we also realize that we need to learn to give in a way that will prove enabling and empowering to another as opposed to overbearing and disempowering. Sometimes in turn we help out more by not visibly helping. Determining those times requires discernment.
Can we receive without resentment? Can we admit that we are vulnerable and have needs that can only be fulfilled by others? Can we realize that in one way or another the scales always seem to balance and to realize we are custodians of the help received and will one day pass it on in turn?


Astrological Correspondence – Moon in Taurus – The Moon in Taurus energy is one that is confident and centred. It does not like interruptions to its routines but in its zone it excels. People with the Moon in Taurus in their charts tend to be generous with both their possessions and their advice which is often practical and methodical. It is an energy that tends to be resistant to change and to new things.


I Ching Correspondence – 42) Yi – Increasing –

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The trigram for wind is over that of Thunder. The image is that of something below increasing at the expense of something above to the benefit of all. It is beneficial for this gain to be done with a greater purpose in mind. It is a good thing to help others make it through the day. It is an amazing thing to help others either build or rebuild their lives from the ground up. This does not mean doing the work for them as much as giving them the opportunity to do the work on their own..

When the Six of Pentacles comes up in a reading, it most often means that there is financial help being offered to those who need it and that it is an equitable exchange. It can mean that the person involved , who is usually someone who has found some success in their life is letting money flow through them, ie giving so that more can be received. The card can refer to success earned and success shared tho the success may be a transitory one.


When the Six of Pentacles is reversed in a reading, it may mean that the current period of success is coming to a close and it may help to look for a way to make it last, such as investment. It can also mean that one has gotten too caught up in material values and needs to attend more to higher pursuits as well

Tarot Post – Six of Swords

Six of Swords (Science / Objective Thought)



Six of SwordsSix of Swords (Revised by G A Rosenberg)


Sailing through dangers

We designed the fraught voyage

so we could triumph


The Ferryman

Mute, I watch your arrival
You climb onto my boat
unsure as you press this coin into my hand
You may smile or give a small laugh
but that stops when you notice
my eyes and my silence.

We start off
You seem surprised by the number of
rocks and debris in the water
You wonder about safety.
Oh Dear one
I know the way
as only one who has scraped
his bow on every single obstacle can
After awhile you start to know the signs
the childhood baggage, the failed marriages
Every time you denied the spark
in yourself (or in others)
they’re all here
and like I said
I know the way thoroughly

Though each route is different
I have known much the same
the odd twists and turns that obsession
and self-importance can place in one’s path
Intuition guides me through
the straits of old frustration
and intellect tells me
how deep they go.

You leave the boat
relieved of coin and burden
ready to survey your new landscape.
I push off.
You turn back to ask what they all do
but I am gone
Sailing. Home..
— G A Rosenberg


The suit of swords represents thought, ideas, plans and conflicts. Sixes represent balance and harmony. The energy of this card deals with healing from wounds, a guided journey away from where we were hurt to where we can heal and have perspective over what has caused the wounds in the first place. Once grief has been acknowledged than we can begin the journey away from what has hurt us (carrying the memories, the swords for the lessons we have learned, with us but in a way that is now harmless to us.)


Astrological Correspondence – Mercury in Aquarius – THe Mercury in Aquarius energy is one of both objective logic and intuitive understanding. This allows for an amazing ability to put problems in context and to be able to start to move past them. This form of thinking can often come into conflict with that of the status quo especially where being helpless in the face of problems has become more and more in vogue


I Ching Correspondence – 61) Chung Fu – “Inner Truth” –

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The Trigram of the Wind is over that of the Lake.Visible effects of the invisible, The truth that lies within. Our “Truth” or our “Reality” as opposed to an objective truth. Not that the two don’t exist as a continuum, If truth exists (and I believe it does) then it is too great and expansive to be encompassed or fully comprehended by any one purpose or creed. Like the story of the six blind men who one day came across an elephant in the marketplace. One placed his hand on the leg and thought the elephant was like a tree, one touched the elephant’s ear and thought the elephant like a fan, one touched the elephant’s trunk and thought a snake, etc…Not one of them could believe that the entire elephant could be outside of their subjective experience..
The lines are closed at both ends yet open in the middle. This show an open heart , free of expectations..
Above gentleness and forbearance to those below,
Below joyous serving of those above…


When the Six of Swords turns up in a reading, it can mean that the time has come to take stock of a situation and look at it objectively and move onwards. It may also denote a time of healing and moving forwards. In its most literal sense it could mean a journey over water yet this depending on the other cards in the reading most likely will be in the context of leaving in order to heal. It may also mean that someone in the given situation is twisting their interpretation of problem to suit their own ends.


Reversed the Six of Swords can represent someone who either feels trapped in a situation or is trapped, unable to see where the escape route is. This could be because of rationalizations but it almost always signifies a need to take stoke of the situation and find some clarity. It can also represent something being offered that may seem like an escape route but will in truth only lead to greater problems.

Tarot Post – Six of Wands


Six of Wands (Victory)


Six of WandsSix of Wands (Revised) by G A Rosenberg


Success by doing

what reveals your inner joy

brings recognition



After all this time
inner and outer challenges
We have come to find success
Now the future stands before me
as we face our heroes’ welcome
The public one anyway; tonight
there will be a personal one
as I am welcomed…
Ah, there will be many more of both

My own doubts have been
conquered as well
A personal victory
that has carried forward
and one I can help others with.
as we forge ahead
with much left to be won.


The suite of Wands deal with force-creative, spiritual, and vital. Sixes represent balance and harmony. When creative and spiritual force reaches a balance there is a victory over whatever forces within or without that was causing the imbalance in the first place. This victory increases self-confidence and allows one to optimistically expect to triumph over future imbalance and difficulties. Imagine how liberating it is when blockages to creativity or spirituality have been removed and new expansion made possible.


Astrological Correspondence – Jupiter in Leo – Jupiter in Leo is a very lucky and charismatic energy. It attains much in whatever it endeavours (especially if it can stay out of the way of its own ego) and inspires others to aspire to the same heights. Jupiter in Leo tends to be a bit dramatic and plays to its audience, after all it truly feels that it cannot be beaten but it is also magnanimous, believing in giving back to those ‘less fortunate. Jupiter in Leo tends to be strongly opinionated and will have problems with anyone who ‘dares’ to disagree. The energy is also one that attracts and is attractive to children as there is a strong protective streak associated with it.


I Ching Correspondence – 41) Sun – Decrease
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This hexagram is comprised of the trigram of the Mountain over that of the Lake and carries the idea of decrease by evaporation of the lake leading to increase of the mountain by precipitation. When looking to achieve balance, we decrease what we have too much of and increase what there is too little of. When we increase the qualities that we see in ourselves as positive, ie compassion, joy and knowledge and decrease our apathy and ignorance than we have attained a victory over our inner selves.


When the Six of Wands comes up in a reading there is optimism and victory in the offering. Whatever contest inner or outer that is in the offering will be triumphant. Steps may have to be taken so that this win is not at the expense of others. Often this card denotes that one is in the position to inspire other’s with optimism and can-do spirit. When this card comes up in the past position, it can refer to reflecting and relying on past victories and one’s ‘glory days’.


When the Six of Wands turns up reversed in a reading it may show that one is filled with doubts and does not see how to win out over them. It can also refer to overconfidence and the belief that one has won when in reality that may not be the case

Tarot Post – Five of Pentacles

Five of Pentacles (Worry / Material Difficulty)


Five of PentaclesFive of Pentacles by G A Rosenberg


Body ragged, slow

Hobbling by necessity

Inspired by sunlight




<h4> Wounded and bereft

Free from outside solace

I limp along

I have come through the wars

Yet look at me

No? Am I that hard to see?


There may be little left of me

and even less for me

but I Have Endured

that cannot be taken

and within I carry the key

to the redemption of all.

So pass me by

and I will continue

for the time may come

when wounds are healed at last…

— G A Rosenberg


The suit of Pentacles refers to the element of Earth and of practical matters such as money and partnerships both of a business nature and of the home. They can also represent nature, the Earth itself as well as our bodies. Fives stand for conflict, change and a breaking through to higher thought. When we have conflict with our bodies we have sickness and injury. Conflict with money at its extreme is poverty. At one time or another, most of us will experience to some extent what it means to be broke, injured or both.  This card speaks to how we deal with this. Will the rough times of our life bring us down or will they make us stronger?  There are people who live most of their lives with less money or less mobility because of illness than we have ever experienced and they thrive. There are others who’s lives fall apart as soon as they encounter any difficulty.
Carlos Castaneda’s teacher, Don Juan said, “The basic difference between an ordinary man and a warrior is that a warrior takes everything as a challenge while an ordinary man takes everything as a blessing or a curse.” If we can truly learn to do this than any difficulty we encounter in our life will ultimately strengthen us.


Astrological Correspondence – Mercury in Taurus – The Mercury in Taurus energy is that of slow deliberate practical thought. It is very hands-on and makes up in thoroughness and groundedness what it lacks in speed. When people with this energy speak, it is well worth listening to because they speak from a life grounded in experience.


I Ching Correspondence – 23) Po – Splitting Apart


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The Image is the trigram meaning Mountain on top of that meaning Earth. This hexagram resembles a house that is held together by its roof. Once the roof collapses, so does the house. During times of collapse when it feels like circumstances have turned against us, it is useful to still ourselves rather than act out of a sense of panic or urgency. By being still, we can wait out the storm and rebuild from our strengths.
The hexagram Po also speaks of a period when collapse is necessary in order for something new to be build. In the Autumn plants have to die in order to be born anew in the spring.


When the Five of Pentacles shows up in a reading, it speaks of a time when either finances, health or both will come to a point of crisis. This can be seen as a period of endurance that will be survived tho it may prove difficult. This card may also represent a missed opportunity in one’s life. Sometimes when we are experiencing difficulty, we become so focussed on what befalls us that we miss out on the good things around us.


When reversed, the Five of Pentacles becomes a bit more dire and the problems more difficult to recover from. This has as much to do with our reaction to the problem as to the situation itself

Alchemical Mesa (Redux)


Elemental Gifts


I gave the fire my hope
fed it and raised it high
and it illuminated the night
and burned until morning’s breeze
stirred the lasting embers.


At water’s edge, I contemplate
watch the waves come in, withdraw
They speak to me in the Moon’s voice
which echoes my inner and outer vision
bringing me peace until dawn’s rising
calls me back inside.


The Air gives witness to my rage
it bears it up and outward
away from my being
Becalmed until new day’s pressure
starts building up within.

and so The Earth receives my love
mother at the root of all
she nourishes me as I suckle
safe until the daylight’s heat
starts rousing me again….


–G A Rosenberg


Click on image to see full-sized


alchemical mesaAlchemical Mesa by G A Rosenberg

Tarot Post – Five of Swords

Five of Swords (Defeat)


Five of SwordsFive of Swords (Revised) by G A Rosenberg


Freely I entered
The fight was too much for me
Defeated I leave.


Well, It’s over
The battle has played out
and now I’ve lost,
not just the battle
that would have been too easy
I’ve lost myself
In the need to win
I became…changed
drove allies away
destroyed confidences
so that no matter the outcome
I would still have lost…
I believed that if I thought like my foe
I could beat them
instead I became them
and so the defeat completed…..

— G A Rosenberg (2013)

Now the battle has been won
He collects the swords of the vanquished, us.
He walks on determined,
all but oblivious to our shame
He may be weary, we are for sure
with wounds to lick
This day too shall pass
and we may yet win out
tho for now we taste Ashes
Another day will come

— G A Rosenberg (2010)


The suit of swords represents thought, ideas, plans and conflicts. Fives stand for conflict, change and a breaking through to higher thought. The five of swords thus represents defeat, whether in battle or in inner conflicts. It often represents the defeat that comes when we realize how much we have betrayed our own principles in the desire to win. Ultimately no matter how the conflict ends, we end up defeated having lost the intent that gave rise to the conflict in the first place.


Astrological Correspondence – Venus in Aquarius – Venus in Aquarius is innovative in how it chooses to love. Often a loner, it is an energy drawn towards the new and different and hates any aspect of getting caught in a rut. This can result in a sensitivity to the feelings and desires of others but a tendency to get bored and so they may sabotage their relationships in the search for the innovative.


I Ching Correspondence – 47) K’un Oppression –
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The image is of a lake above water–the lake is dried up– the “superior” man is exhausted by all manner of people and things besetting him. If he remains flexible and stable and maintains his equanimity through adversity than he will come through it fine. Only if he can’t roll with the punches and falls apart will any rough period truly vanquish him. Someone who has developed that inner consistency will find success no matter whatever external situation he finds himself in.


When the Five of Swords turns up in a reading, it often refers to a loss, usually one that feels somewhat humiliating. It may also represent a loss that comes when someone has won through unethical or unfair means and has become humiliated because of it. If it refers to an event that has not happened yet, it could be a warning against going into an unwinnable battle or one where winning it will turn into a humiliating defeat

When the Five of Swords comes up reversed, it normally refers to losses in the past that the person has not recovered from and still have a lot of energy about that is causing us to be reluctant to reengage.

Tarot Post – Five of Cups

Five of Cups (Disappointment)


G`Five of Cups (Revised) by G A Rosenberg


Mourn not for the lost

Rejoice at what still remains

and that yet to come


I knew and I didn’t what was to come
I threw myself into it
Everyone warned me
what he was like
what she was like
and what would happen
yet still I jumped in
The experience would be a good one
or so I reasoned
and then the dance began
I lost myself in mistaken belief
I told myself I was having ‘fun’
and then it happened
and then she left
and then he left
and then I was left…
all steps in the dance
Why do I feel so bereft?
I paid for the tickets
I attended the show
choreographed the moves
and lost the plot
So what have I learned?
What I already knew
and that I am someone
who learns this way
to understand…
— G A Rosenberg


Cups deal with our emotional nature including love, both that as in a relationship between two (and rarely more) people and that of friends and companions. Fives stand for conflict, change and a breaking through to higher thought. If the four of cups talked about how we look at something new on the horizon and our expectations, then the five of cups show how we handle things when things don’t live up to those expectations and we end up meeting with disappointment. One may ask in colloquial terms what appointment is it we have made that has been dissed.
Most of the time when we enter into a new situation be it a relationship or a new social group or job, we can quickly size up where the problem areas lay and indeed with a little bit of reflection can see exactly how it will play out and yet even when the outcome is likely to be negative, we follow down the path anyway, perhaps because we realize we need the experience and accompanying lesson to be driven home. The biggest lesson of the five of cups is not that we have suffered setbacks because that is inevitable in life. What is it that we have gained in the process and what are we left with becomes paramount. Because quite often, if we are not wasting time ‘crying over spilt milk’, it is that which is the gift.


Astrological Correspondence – Mars in Scorpio – The Mars in Scorpio energy loves to test itself. It throws it self into a situation head on often overlooking the emotional ramifications of it. Quite often people with this energy can see through facades and manipulate others in any situation. Quite often this can result in manipulating and fooling themselves as well.


I Ching Correspondence – 9) Hsiao Ch’u / The Taming Power of the Lesser

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The trigram of the Sun is over that of Heaven. The image is that of a small wind blowing the clouds together yet not powerful enough to cause rain. Sometimes a weaker element of ourselves such as fear or loss or disappointment can rise up and take precedent over our stronger aspects. This is usually temporary but it becomes difficult to realize this when in the midst of trauma.


When the five of cups turns up in a reading, it is usually referring to a recent loss or disappointment. Depending on other cards in the reading, the person may be ‘crying over spilt milk’, choosing to look at what has been lost rather than what they still have or what they may have gained from the situation.


When the five of cups is reversed, the person is looking at their loss with more equanimity. Perhaps they have friends who are talking them through it or perhaps they have discovered gratitude for that which they have left and that which they gained from the experience. It may also refer to remaining open and vulnerable to new experiences despite that which may have been lost in the past