Quote of the Day – October 28 2012

In a time of destruction, create something.”
― Maxine Hong Kingston

This quote puts me in mind of the blues and spirituals; of people reaching the limits of endurance and yet out of their despair, amazing song bursts out that expresses the bleak feeling that only the soul can know but also somehow exorcises and heals it. Love and jobs have been lost. People close to us have died, we become ill and yet words, music or art comes out in a way that’s truer than almost any other. Perhaps, that is an ideal I speak of and yet I’ve seen it, some people can get a hang nail and melt into a puddle of self-imposed drama while others can take the most profound pain and transform that and themselves. I know which one of those people I want to be.
Blessings, G

Soul ripped open pain
blackness so dark, it lacks name
Song redeems the heart

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Found in Stone by G A Rosenberg


Opalescent Ruby View by G A Rosenberg