Quote of the Day – April 24 2012

“Late, by myself, in the
boat of myself,
No light and no land
cloudcover thick.
I try to stay
just above the surface.

Yet I’m already under and living within
The Ocean”

Another night floating bobbing up and down along the consciousness stream, thinking of dogs to home and kids in need and of how great my meditation time was today. Time without thought, focusing on breath and sensation not thinking tho occasionally the thoughts come what system would work best for all? Why do we spend so much time pursuing happiness that we forget to enjoy the moment? floating breathing down deep and back up connecting to the mother below and the sky above and i am back to a conversation about art and blank pages and in breath, feel it expand and slowly out breath and once again the rhythm start, the calm returns and sun feels  nice on my eyelids and in breath and tuning into the feelings, a moment of sadness let myself feel it so it passes and out breath…You know how it goes.


By the way what do you think about the new theme for the blog?

Blessings, G.

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Knight’s Vigil in the Four Elements by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – December 19 2011

“Ideas are like fish. If you want to catch little fish, you can stay in the shallow water. But if you want to catch the big fish, you’ve got to go deeper. Down deep, the fish are more powerful and more pure. They’re huge and they’re abstract. And they’re beautiful.”
— David Lynch (talking about meditation and consciousness)

Gives a whole new meaning to ‘Gone Fishing’ don’t it? More and more I feel the fish coming to the surface (was going to say floating to the surface but that does make it seem a bit more grisly 😉 Still, so much seems to be about not judging what comes up, may be some really ugly truths buried but not everything that may seem ugly actually is, some things just need to be seen in true light. What is ugly but a subjective aesthetic that we haven’t as yet accepted. When you step back and see how it fits into the larger pattern of the self and existence, than the ugliest quality, mood, event may become sublime.
Namaste, G

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Rose on the Ledge in a Colourless Cave by G A Rosenberg


In It’s Wake by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – December 14 2011

‎”There is a difference. You watch television, you don’t witness it. But, while watching television, if you start witnessing yourself watching television, then there are two processes going on: you are watching television, and something within you is witnessing the process of watching television. Witnessing is deeper, far deeper. It is not equivalent to watching. Watching is superficial.
So remember that meditation is witnessing.”

Witnessing, Mindfulness. Letting yourself, or myself in my case have awareness of what I find myself thinking and doing, being inside and outside the moment simultaneously. It can be pretty wild. It makes it a lot harder to act like a jerk when you watch yourself do it. How can i let myself fall into the role of angry parent or complaining spouse or irritable pet owner fully if I have to watch myself doing these things? It makes life a bit more pleasant for those around me and I have to admit for myself to. Does that leave any time when it becomes ok to show anger? Yes, who wants to watch a doormat? Indeed it allows more freedom to pick my battles. If only I could do it more often.
Namaste, G

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Through the Curtains by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – November 22 2011

“If we know the divine art of concentration, if we know the divine art of meditation, if we know the divine art of contemplation, easily and consciously we can unite the inner world and the outer world.”

–Sri Chinmoy


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I Didn’t Planet by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – November 14 2011

When I examine myself and my methods of thought, I come to the conclusion that the gift of fantasy has meant more to me than any talent for abstract, positive thinking.”

–Albert Einstein

I love walking with my dog on bright nights, looking at the clouds and reading their shapes.
Me: “That One looks like a face”
Rufus: “That one looks like a chew toy”
Me: “That one looks like a mask”
Rufus: “That one looks like a water dish”
Me: “That One looks like the I-Ching Hexagram Ta Kuo ‘Preponderance of the Great'”
Rufus: “Don’t you mean I – ‘Corners of the Mouth'”
Me: “Oh yeah…huh (glaring at the dog)
Rufus: Lifts his leg and pees and walks away wagging his tail

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Idea Space by G A Rosenberg

Negative Idea Space by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – November 9 2011

“Meditation brings wisdom; lack of meditation leaves ignorance. Know well what leads you forward and what hold you back, and choose the path that leads to wisdom.”


Despise the compromise
yet despair the unyielding

Never so clear
so I follow my instinct
not what may be right ultimately
but right ‘right now’
i stay the path
as the decisions become harder
what good would be gaining my soul
yet losing my life
what’s the good in keeping my life intact
at the cost of my soul..

Funny thing about compromises, they tend to be inherently unstable. Pressures both within and without, knowing we don’t follow the highest standards for our spirit, our diet or our growth will eventually spur us on either to compromise more, perhaps make us insensate to our own inner wisdom, or compromise less, ever moving towards healthier diets and lifestyles even if it means sacrificing lives we have chosen.
People, such as the two of you tend to echo our own inner voices hastening the decision points.. Many can’t stand to listen.
Me, I tend to be appreciative so thanks.. Wow, a bit of a long-winded one here.
— G A Rosenberg

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Ancient Cave by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – October 24 2011

“The future is up for grabs. It belongs to any and all who will take the risk and accept the responsibility of consciously creating the future they want.”
― Robert Anton Wilson

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Journey Along the Eye Way by G A Rosenberg (Treatment 3)

Union by G A Rosenberg