Random Bits – 48 Redux

OK, OK, I didn’t know it was loaded :). When I turned 48 a little over three weeks ago, I conceived of a project of sorts and wrote about it here (http://grosenberg.wordpress.com/2009/10/18/random-bits-48/). I would make 48 short films, I thought and put them together into a series of videos, little pieces that would celebrate different sides of myself and allow some unique self-expression. It would also be a tribute of sorts to the enjoyment I’ve had on YouTube watching people’s videos and creating my own. I foolishly thought I could do it in 48 hours, I got over that one in a hurry.
Today, 23 days later, I finished. The 48 random bits make up about 10 videos, express certain aspects of my life well, others perhaps not as well as I might like, tho definitely not less than I found necessary. I got to experiment a bit, and have some fun
So what now. Am I over the whole video thing? No I don’t think so. Not sure where I’ll take it from here. Maybe some more tarot pieces, Maybe some story-telling. I am having too much fun to stop