Tarot Post – Temperance (Art)


XIV-Temperance / Art (♐︎)


Temperance Temperance by G A Rosenberg


Alchemical art
mix my opposite being
within my vessel


I Not I
being, becoming
from the Not into the I
and the I into the knot
Letting the old flow into the new
and transmuting it
my male to female
woman to man
body to soul
gaining new awareness as I go
controlling it carefully
yet letting it flow.
Integrating the dissolve
with new resolve
all with the aim of the gold in mind.
Eagle and Lion cracking the egg
the snake transforms
new insight descends.
— G A Rosenberg


In the trump the Lovers, we become aware that there is an existence outside of our own and sensibilities very different from ours. It is this difference that makes us start to question our lives. With Temperance we learn to synthesize these differences and consciously incorporate them into our own being. Temperance or Art is the card of Balancing Transformation. It is connected by many with the art of Alchemy. When many people think of Alchemy, they think of the Philosopher’s stone which results in the ability to change lead into gold. What the Alchemists true goal was to change the lead of corse matter into the gold of spiritual awareness. This was done by blending and combining the opposite elements within one’s being. Combining in other words who we are with who we are not, our shadow selves to become something greater. The angel in the card is combining onto (and into) herself the liquid fire with the fiery water to form something new. By being aware of who we are and who we are not, we can consciously acquire new talents and abilities, blend the two and become something greater, the being who we wish to be. Just as the alchemist followed very specific methods with very specific ingredients, this transformation does not happen in a wild and uncontrolled form but through self-examination and meditation and quite usually through ritual (even the ones we create for ourselves).


Astrological Correspondence – Sagittarius (♐︎)-The Sagittarius energy is an exploratory one that hungers for the freedom to search out truth. It is an enthusiastic fiery energy and one that shifts in viewpoint and location to further its understanding. Its symbol is the hunting centaur (denoted by the centaur’s arrow). The centaur is part man and part horse and partakes of the nature of man and beast and masters the blending of them both. Sagittarius’ ruling planet is Jupiter and has that optimistic and expansive aura. It is an energy that takes risks in its desire to do more, know more and understand more and it becomes what it needs to in order to achieve this end. The Sagittarius influence is one that focuses on self-truth, personal integrity and self-perfection. Sagittarius brings back what its arrows aim for.


Runic Correspondence – Dagaz (‘Dawn’) dagaz
Dagaz is the rune of transformation. It is connected with achieving enlightenment through the resolution of paradox. Dagaz’s time of day is the in-between times of twilight and dawn.
Dagaz involves the blending and transformation of one thing into its opposite and the synergy that can come from the two working together. The rune heralds the safe conclusion of these shiftings. Other runes associated with Temperance are Laguz and Nauthiz.


Path on the Tree of Life -Path 25-Samekh-Samekh means literally “tent peg”. It is the path that dissolves the lower ego with ones higher consciousness. It connects the sephiroth of the Sun and the Moon, Tiphareth (“beauty”) and Yesod(“foundation”). It is known in the Sepher Yetzirah as the Testing Consciousness and is connected to the temptations that can befall one in that spiritual becoming. The temptations are connected to the balancing out of the self and its shadow and the blending of the two. Samekh is also connected with the worm ouroboros which it resembles, a snake with its tail in its mouth.


When Temperance turns up in a reading, it can indicate that one’s life has reached a state of balance. The querent may be at a stage where the allot enough time to do both the things they want to do and the things they have to do. They work when they need to and have enough time for family and leisure. It may mean tho that it is time for them to examine their lives and figure out how to bring this state of balance about in a conscious way. Temperance may also show in a spiritual sense that the querent is undergoing a transformative experience and that they have made it through the trials and are integrating it with their conscious awareness. The card may be cautioning the querent against going to extremes and learning when to assert themselves in a conscious manner. A keynote for the card is taking responsibility for one’s life in a conscientious way. In a situation where the querent feels torn between two different paths, it suggests finding a synthesis of the two


Temperance inverses talks about imbalance in the querent’s life. It could mean that they are going to extremes, first acting in one way and then acting wildly the opposite in order to try to balance the two. This may be because they lack any long-term plan or purpose for their life and they need to take conscious responsibility for it. It may refer to passive-agressive behaviour on the querent’s part. The reversed Temperance may also refer to someone being so cautious and afraid of their own actions that they hesitate too much refusing to act at all. The card reversed may also refer to someone who is unable to integrate recent changes in awareness into their lives possibly out of fear for how others will react.


Tarot Post – King of Wands

King of Wands (Fire of Fire)

KIng of Wands (N)King of Wands (Reimagined) by G A Rosenberg

Lead with passion’s grace
Mastery of the fire
tempers rulership


Come join me
You know your way will fail
while mine is glorious!
I will create our futures
and blaze a wide trail
doing things in ways
No one else has conceived of.
Let’s go!
the quest awaits
and yes there’ll be danger
but we’ve seen worse
Are you coming or not?


The suite of Wands deal with force-creative, spiritual, and vital and are associated with the element of Fire. Kings are the leaders, the shakers, the initiatory force or person that get things moving and are associated with the element of Fire. The King of Wands is someone who will gladly sweep you along in his path. He will pull you along on adventure after adventure and after you encounter him you will see life in a totally different way. He is a leader and wants everyone to come along on his journey. You may easily find yourself consumed by his intensity. He may not follow the adventure through to the end or want to stick around very long before beginning a new endeavour. His inspiration is likely to be in the area of spirituality, teaching, challenging and infuriating those he encounters with both his brilliant insights and his brutal putdowns of those with whom he disagrees.At his worst, the King of Wands can be quite intolerant of the views of others with a cruel and bigoted streak. Despite these tendencies tho, the King of Wands is difficult to dislike as we all tend to be drawn towards his bright flame.

 He has amazing ideas even if he hasn’t laid the groundwork for them and lacks the steadfastness to follow them through to the end. He will be on to something else fast enough.

Astrological Correspondence: 21° Scorpio – 20° Sagittarius Elemental: Fire of Fire
The Court cards according to the Golden Dawn among other sources have a corresponding influence that goes from the third decan of one sign through the second decan of the next.
Thus the King of Wands has a Scorpio influence that gives him his strong will and generous and caring nature that tempers his Sagittarius love of adventure and impetuosity.
The King of Wands therefore will care deeply about whatever adventure he is currently engaged in and then in a lightning flash will switch to another endeavour of which he is equally passionate about.


I Ching Correspondence – 51) Zhen – Taking Action / The Arousing (Thunder) –

___ ___
___ ___
___ ___
___ ___


The trigram for Thunder is doubled. This hexagram represents the energetic older son who powerfully seizes the reins of power. Thunder when its doubled doubles its energy. Tho the sound may startle, it is a temporary fear that fills us with joy as it passes, the equivalent of the universe jumping out from behind a corner and yelling “BOO!”. How many of us were told as little kids that when we heard thunder it was the angels bowling. My sister and I would gleefully call out whenever we heard something loud enough to be a strike. Sometimes in order to accept the new, we must first be shocked out of our complacency with the way things have been. After the shock, we need to take stock and see how our perspective has changed before continuing onwards.


Quite often when the King of Wands shows up in a reading, it refers to someone who is very creative and intense and who carries us along in his (or her) wake. It may also mean that these are qualities that we need to find within ourselves during this period of our lives. This energy is visionary and conceptual rather than detail oriented. If this refers to a person in our lives, it may be someone who is expecting us to take care of the details while they do the creative work.


When the King of Wands shows up reversed, we may be encountering someone who cannot see beyond their own vision. They may be selfish, greedy, bad-tempered and bigoted not wishing to either share credit or see value in the ideas of others. It may also mean that we have temporarily lost sight of our objectives and are not listening to others.

Reworked Tarot Entry – Nine Of Wands

At Dawn they come
I hear the drums beating
as they plan their approach
I alone remain
to meet them
I cannot give way
Will this battle be the one I cannot win?
I will not surrender
My gods watch over me and so much has been lost
The drums echo louder as I kneel in prayer
Leaning on my staff for support
My company of nine
eight well used and on e freshly carved
tell of other times
that I came through
Drumming louder, drumming sronger
and voices heard
“The dr will see you now
you may go in”
–G A Rosenberg

Click on image to see full-size
Nine of Wands by G A Rosenberg

Tarot Card of the Day – Nov 13 2010

Nine of Wands

Yesod in Fire
Moon (☽) in Sagittarius ( ♐)

“Of all important doctrines concerning equilibrium, this is the easiest to understand, that change is stability; that stability is guaranteed by change; that if anything
should stop changing for the fraction of a split second, it would go to pieces.”

— Aleister Crowley, Book of Thoth

Click on image to see full-size

Nine of Wands-Strength by G A Rosenberg

Tarot Card of the Day – February 3 2010

IX of Wands

At Dawn they come
I hear the drums beating
as they plan their approach
I alone remain
to meet them
I cannot give way
Will this battle be the one I cannot win?
I will not surrender
My gods watch over me and so much has been lost
The drums echo louder as I kneel in prayer
Leaning on my staff for support
My company of nine
eight well used and on e freshly carved
tell of other times
that I came through
Drumming louder, drumming sronger
and voices heard
“The dr will see you now
you may go in”

IX of Wands from Morgan-Greer Deck

Yesod in Fire


☽ in ♐

Moon in Sagittarius
I Ching Hexagram ____ ____
____ ____
____ ____
____ ____
____ ____
7, Shih, “The Army”

K’UN The Receptive Earth
K’An The Abysmal, Water

Water that is stored up in the Earth, ready to come forth as a well-spring when needed. The nine of wands carries this implication of marshalling of strength. There is also a sense in the hexagram of danger and the need for obedience. Not the obedience of a ruler but as the strong yin line is in the second position it represents a general utilizing his forces only when necessary
The hexagram also implies strength in potential to be used and a general who has won the trust of the ruler and the compliance of the public
It also implies a force that works better in potential .

☾ in ♐

Idealistic and romantic, not very diplomatic energy forthright and honest..

To Be Continued…