Quote of the Day – March 22 2012

“What each must seek in his life never was on land or sea. It is something out of his own unique potentiality for experience, something that never has been and never could have been experienced by anyone else. ”
— Joseph Campbell

Back from an amazing holiday that enhanced my life in very many ways. I travelled with my partner and our son and yet it was evident from the beginning that each one of us was experiencing a ‘different’ holiday. I have accepted for a long time how different we find our worlds to be from each other (not just with my family but in each of us) We all enter into each day with different expectations, different hopes and different intentions and that colours every thing that we do. Who we are definitely colours what we see.
Yet knowing that enhances rather than diminishes harmony. I have seen so many people torn apart because they believe that their experience is identical to that of those around them. They become puzzled when they hear what the other person saw and heard. In many cases we feel threatened because if our experience is different does that mean the way we saw heard and felt it was wrong? If we go into things with the expectation that they will be unique for each of us, it gives us that much to share at the end of things.

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Goddess Night by G A Rosenberg

One thought on “Quote of the Day – March 22 2012”

  1. It’s easy to forget that everyone has separate hopes and struggles for each day and that although were all part of this life together, our paths through it are individual. Thanks for posting!

    P.S. Thanks for stopping by my blog! 🙂

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