Quote of the Day – April 20 2012

“Re-examine all you have been told. Dismiss what insults your soul”
–Walt Whitman

In this blog I’ve talked a lot about truth. I’ve discussed truth that is objective and truth that is subjective and truth that is too big to understand. But what about that that doesn’t ring true? Many of us discover at a fairly young age that our government, teachers, religious leaders have lied to us. As we grow older, we start to learn just how extensively we’ve been lied to and sadder yet how many continue to believe the lies and deliberately expose themselves uncritically to a culture that encourages us to stop thinking, go along with things, Pursue things that are meaningless and perpetuate the corrupt system. Eventually we reach the point where we have to say “STOP!” We dismiss the bullshit and try to clean up our own. As nice as it would be to think that by thinking critically, we can remain untouched by the corruption, I know better. However we can clean ourselves up, live the highest truth we can and expose the lies to those willing to listen. All it takes is clarity and courage. I’m sure I have those around here somewhere 🙂
Blessings, G

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Yearning by G A Rosenberg

Patterning Red, Black White and Green by G A Rosenberg

One thought on “Quote of the Day – April 20 2012”

  1. This is the second time this week of have run across this Walt Whitman quote. What pearls you offer. Images today make me think of chakra six, third eye. Answers we can count on. And chakra one. Roots. rRght to be. Right to have.

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