Quote of the Day – June 2 2012

“I have learned silence from the talkative, tolerance from the intolerant, and kindness from the unkind. I should not be ungrateful to these teachers.”
― Khalil Gibran

Amazing if I have learned these things then I have to ask myself what have I been teaching? Sanity? Wisdom? Patience?. Perhaps I need to keep asking myself this at any given time. What am I teaching by my words and actions. This gets driven home to me quite often when I notice my teenage son emulating behaviours of mine that I don’t even want to admit to. Bits of my shadow self that I still haven’t worked my way through.
Still gratitude of all of these things I find to be paramount. No matter how difficult my life may be, I feel grateful for the challenges that come my way even from those who have been less than kind, less than tolerant, and less than silent. Of course grateful for the good stuff too. Always that
Blessings, G

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In My Sights by G A Rosenberg

Flame War by G A Rosenberg

3 thoughts on “Quote of the Day – June 2 2012”

  1. In deed!! “What am I teaching by my words and actions.” that question to the self alone will see to it that we try VERY HARD to stay on the righteous path. !!

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