Quote of the Day – July 19 2012

“I offer you peace. I offer you love. I offer you friendship. I see your beauty. I hear your need. I feel your feelings. My wisdom flows from the Highest Source. I salute that Source in you. Let us work together for unity and love.”
–Mahatma Gandhi


Coming together
Enjoying harmony now
We create our space


We’ve found our way here
United in calm centre
eternity bubble


intense attraction
holds our joint attention here
happiness ensues


OK, when not sure how to say what I mean, writing in haiku helps loosen the stuck brain if nothing else and entertains the monkey mind. In this case I completed another tarot card and as has been happening more and more often the force of the card touched my life today. Harmony and ground work for the future kept coming up in my interactions with my family and friends and yet internally while drawn towards harmony my thoughts have felt disquieted. But then as far as cards go the four of wands and I have rarely been that close. That may sound a bit odd that I have different types of relationships with different cards and yet other readers and folks who work with the cards have told me its also true for them.

Perhaps this feeling of disquiet means that I need to get to know this force better. Perhaps some team building exercises might help or more involvement with group activities. I tend to live in my own head quite a bit so perhaps it may be time to do more with others.


On a different subject tho connections can be drawn, I leave those who read this with a question that has been on my mind quite a bit in the past few days. Who do you speak for?
Blessings, G


Click on image to see full-sized
Cycle-delic by G A Rosenberg

Four of Wands by G A Rosenberg

9 thoughts on “Quote of the Day – July 19 2012”

  1. Beautiful thoughts. I like your question, “Who do you speak for?” And further, “What voices do you listen to?”

    1. Interesting follow up question tho i would probably say all but with discernment weighing relative importance…The who do I speak for question I intend to write a lot more about possibly tomorrow… i need the thoughts to percolate a bit more. Thanks for commenting

  2. Who do I speak for? hum.. that needs some time and thought – it’s a simple question on the surface but goes so deep. I like very much the quote, your words and the tarot card. I also have a personal relationship with many of the cards and those that trouble me have a way of reappearing again and again in readings, asking, like Jung’s Shadow, to be accepted and loved I suppose. Recently the Tower has been that card for me. I notice your hearth of home has no fire unless it be the sun – the poles are floaty rather than grounded in the earth and lack the festive garlands of the celebration of harmony. You understand this is not an art critique but rather a symbolic way of trying to explore your unease with this card which can often be attributed to unease with a structured environment such as this card can represent. Welcome home…

    1. I think your observations are astute and I thank you for your comments ( and the potatoes :). ).

  3. Namaste Grosenberg

    I don’t usually use the tarot card for anything as spiritual discernment from within serves us all much better, when we are connected with our higher selves in the Now of All That Is. The energy of this card, brings to mind, the directions of all the exterior energy although in the dimension of the Now of All That Is, We are in reality as One.

    This card is also bringing forth, the energy that is already here, that all of us who are ready, to embrace the Now of All That Is, to merge with our ‘within’ and so ‘without’ – as so above and so below – all merging, mutating, evolving as One.

    No man is an island and no one is ever ‘alone’. To believe in this ‘loneliness’ energy is an illusion although I’ve to admit that I’ve always been a loner throughout my journeys. The ability to acknowledge that We are all One and to finally come to terms with it with much love and joy – it’s a beautiful gift and precious virtue, to know that we are never alone and We are all journeying together, each introducing our own area of expertise through our own life paths. Each one of us are unique shining our own light, creating and manifesting our own different hues of colors with ease and grace.

    This card is a ‘calling card’, for all of us to wake up, to be true to ourselves, be original and to Be One.

    Much Love and Blessings,

  4. Who do I speak for? I speak for myself. No one can really speak for another, deeply and truly. It’s like the old saying goes “You have to be able to help yourself if you wish to help another”. Can’t help the earth if you can’t even do for yourself. And it’s more than just ‘survival’. How many people ACTUALLY speak for themselves, w/o judgement or censorship? How many people actually DO for themselves and posses not a grain of guilt? Very, very few.

    So I speak for myself. I do for myself, and I find bliss that cannot be found anywhere else. The more I focus on myself, the more I ‘glow’. The more I feed myself, the larger the reach of my bliss. That has an effect on my surroundings, and THAT is how change AND transformation happen.

    If others can be touched, even in the slightest, then that’s the most I can do. I’ve seen it happen; not just amongst friends, amongst immediate family members as well.

    I speak for myself, and no one else.

    Thank you for your lovely insights. It gives me something to look forward to when I open my inbox. 🙂

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