Quote of the Day – July 31 2012

“Dedicate yourself to the good you deserve and desire for yourself. Give yourself peace of mind. You deserve to be happy. You deserve delight.”
—Hannah Arendt

But can you get there without helping others work on happiness and delight as well?

Compassion is key…. I can’t imagine the disconnect that could come at being happy when others suffer. Well I could in that I believe many of the so called 1% (and some who believe that they ‘matter’ more than others) seem to have exactly that disconnect.

Is it human nature? I’d like to believe that even if it is where we started at that we are moving towards something more, a realization that we are part of a greater whole. I would love to hear your take on this.

Blessings, G

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Insignia by G A Rosenberg

11 thoughts on “Quote of the Day – July 31 2012”

    1. Some of them do, many continue to bleed the rest of us dry as they pass laws to keep themselves the 1% and everyone beneath them beneath them…

  1. Namaste Grosenberg

    Keep on believing and love yourself first, that you are a true sentient being of light and everything else will fall into place. Our light shines ever brighter as we transit out of the 3rd dimensional level to arrive at the 5th.

    Each individual soul have their own ‘truths’ and whatever their perceptions are, they are actually witnessing the ‘mirroring’ effect of their Now. If they perceive that the 1% is ‘important’ ..then..that’s what their ego is ‘telling’ them. No one is better or greater than anyone else.

    We are all equal and it is the end result of dwelling far too deep into the 3D egotistic world of illusion, that mankind has forgotten about the light of truth and reality. Money and materialism is part of 3D energy. The world of competition in ‘dog eat dog’ kind of survivalist way of living. All these are very similar to the current reality show on tv, constantly brainwashing more souls into believing that exterior situations are who we are or who we can or should be. That is not the Truth.

    The truth is found from within us. Within our heart space in wisdom, love, compassion, joy and balance. To think that we shouldn’t be happy whilst others are ‘suffering’ is an egotistic notion. Each soul has their own soul contract to fulfill and we are no different. When it is time for each of us to be happy, at our own unique time and place..then we ought to be happy. By being happy, our light from within shines ever brighter and it will work as a rippling effect so that the energy of joy may spread out far and wide where other souls may find it too and bask in its glory and light.

    When we witness the ‘sadness’ of others, it doesn’t mean that we should be sad too. Of course, we feel compassionate towards them but we can’t interfere with their journey and soul lessons. It is what they have charted for themselves to experience and to learn from those soul lessons. If we were to intervene, then their soul lessons plan charted before their incarnation would have been in vain and they wouldn’t be able accomplish…what they have incarnated to accomplish. If we should decide to stay ‘sad’ just because others are ‘suffering’ then, we are being unjust to ourselves and to others. When we make a choice to be ‘sad’, we are not doing any good to ourselves and those who are journeying with us.

    That’s not to say that we are laughing and be in joy that others are ‘suffering’…like showing off that we are in a better state of being than they are…. That is just plain nonsense. The wisdom and virtue is ‘detachment’. Detachment doesn’t mean that we are being ‘indifferent’. No. Detachment is when we are aware that others are suffering and we are sending them our love, compassion, prayers, support etc and yet we are not directly being ‘affected’ by the pain of suffering – which is the imbalance of the ‘state of being’.

    All of Us, We have a choice – to be happy or not to be…or to be indifferent. To be indifferent is to be the One, ‘sitting on the fence’ and then they will choose sides when it is time to make a decision. That is also an illusion and cheating themselves. To not make a choice is already making a choice. I feel that when One is ‘sitting on the fence’, One is also not in a state of being and not being connected in the state of Now, of All That Is – to be in the presence of our Creator. I feel that, what others think, say or do, doesn’t make me who I Am nor is it supposed to affect my well being unless I ‘allow/give’ them the power’ to make it so.

    It is all about Balance. Wishing you abundance in joy, love and balance.


  2. I can’t relate to the concept of “Deserve” in the quote – no doubt many of the 1% justify their situation with this idea. What does it mean to “deserve”?
    I do believe that we need to be compassionate and acutely aware of the truth of our society – the suffering and injustice. But at the same time we also need to work on ourselves if we are lucky enough to have our basic needs met because it is difficult to give and help with integrity if the center we give and help from is hollow, empty, dark and out of balance…

    1. In this case I believe she talks of the good we all deserve . I do agree with you that the whole elite 1% attitude of ‘we deserve everything we get and more because we are chosen’ is an evil and it comes from amazing fear. Thank you so much for your comment and insight

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