Quote of the Day – August 22 2012

“The single biggest problem with communication is the illusion that it has taken place.”
― George Bernard Shaw


I still become amazed that communication happens at all. We each use words in our own ways, often with very different meanings for any given word than the others around us are using. We hurt and become hurt so easily and willfully misunderstand according to our own experience. Yet not only does communication happen from time to time but even understanding may ensue. Not by happy accident but thru sheer intent and will does this happen. Communication often becomes hard. We must really want to do it pretty often.
It occurs to me that many of the same things that block us from expressing our hearts, our pride and need to be understood are also the things that make it happen. When it comes down to it, despite appearances, perhaps communication does not happen body to body but heart to heart.
Blessings, G


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9 thoughts on “Quote of the Day – August 22 2012”

  1. this was an excellent post and mirrors a problem I have been having when leaving comments. sometimes a comment can hurt when all you are doing is trying to be light-hearted; you are right–it is the context with which it is received that translates it; if it is heart to heart then generally it is not misunderstood–it is when I am trying to be “clever” that feelings get hurt

    1. Yes context is everything tho I have learned that if someone wishes to be hurt and take offence, even a comment about the weather will do it… 🙂
      “We see things not as they are but as we are”

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