Realized Journeys

“The seeker embarks on a journey to find what he wants and discovers, along the way, what he needs.”
― Wally Lamb


Sometimes I believe that the journeyer within ourselves has both an inner and outer aspect. Our outer aspect often needs a reason to journey whether it be towards a job or a new life or even to escape their old one. The inner journeyer tho realizes that the journey never ends. Our voyage of discovery starts when we take our first breath and continues on until our last one.


I have found my life the most satisfying when I have united the two. At some point I stopped feeling that every step of my life had to be in a new place, or with different people and in different circumstances. Changes in attitude and viewpoint matter a lot more to me than any geographical change ever came as much as I enjoy a good road trip. That’s a funny thing to isn’t it. With a geographical change, we end up seeing brand new locations with the same old eyes and we keep looking for similarities to what we know. With an attitudinal change, however, we end up looking at things we have seen for years in a whole new way with greater appreciation. More and more I have come to love the change of eyes as I see the real clearer and clearer with new realizations.

Blessings, G


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PurificationPurification by G A Rosenberg


Mindfield7Mindfield 7 by G A Rosenberg

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