Sing Out

“Each Person Who Ever Was Or Is Or Will Be Has A Song. It Isn’t A Song That Anybody Else Wrote. It Has Its Own Melody, It Has Its Own Words. Very Few People Get To Sing Their Song. Most Of Us Fear That We Cannot Do It Justice With Our Voices, Or That Our Words Are Too Foolish Or Too Honest, Or Too Odd. So People Live Their Song Instead.”
— Neil Gaiman (Anansi Boys)


Perhaps one of the best reasons to meditate is so we can listen and learn each note and each phrase of our song. The more we listen the more we can express and chime in. Perhaps at first we hum along with the chorus and sing the catchiest of phrases that sticks in our minds. Eventually we learn it well enough so that we can express almost every lyric only occasionally singing the verses out of order or having to make up a phrase that we just haven’t quite gotten. The more practiced and the more we listen, the more confidence we gain to fully embody our song. Yet still we listen. There are subtle harmonies that it may take a lifetime to learn and to be. We may wish to know how well our song will work as a duet or a trio. Perhaps ultimately our songs together can all be united as the universal symphony they were meant to be as every being joins in.
Blessings, G


Click on images to see full-sized:


Landscape with Cubes and BubblesLandscape With Cubes and Bubbles by G A Rosenberg


Circling the Cosmic DrainCircling the Cosmic Drain by G A Rosenberg

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