

“A word is a bud attempting to become a twig. How can one not dream while writing? It is the pen which dreams. The blank page gives the right to dream.”
― Gaston Bachelard


Dream to word to dream again
Containment, edit, reframe
shape, add water, dream bigger
write more…let the flow develop
Sentences to Paragraphs
the dream made word
the word made thought
and the thought expanded.
The page, having lost its virginity
opens willingly, its innocence taken
with any luck though its integrity maintained.
Still expansion and expansion, buildup and release
flow through until full expression occurs
and the full flower of page’s potential
becomes seen and shared.


Blessings, G


Click on images to see full-sized:


Dance of the Warped Double HelixDance of the Warped Double Helix by G A Rosenberg


Night WorkingNight Working by G A Rosenberg


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