Quote of the Day – November 11 2012

“The big question is whether you are going to be able to say a hearty yes to your adventure ”
― Joseph Campbell

Funny, the first part of the heroic journey that Joseph Campbell described better than almost anyone else is the refusal of the adventure. Almost every great quest  (Star Wars, Alice, the Wizard of OZ, Aladin etc) started with the hero refusing the reality of what they were experiencing and saying no to the quest. Of course in all of the above cases, reality comes back too strongly to be denied and the no becomes a more heartfelt yes. As belief and confidence in oneself grows, it becomes more and more heartfelt… What would happen if we had that confidence in the first place? What would happen if we acted as if we did? As a friend and I used to say every night before we went out “Here’s to adventure” Here’s to knowing that we will win through and experiencing what we have to experience.  Here’s to being open to whatever comes..What a long strange trip its been and it continues
Blessings, G



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Echoes of a Distant Shore by G A Rosenberg