Tarot Haiku-Temperance

Hey Everyone-

Tonight’s card is Temperance and it is a rough one. Three candidates that come close in different ways but none of which say it quite right. Feel free to comment on which one you may like best.

1) Artistic Vision

Take my divided nature

and reform my soul


2) Alchemy angel

Combine my split being

Reveal something new

3)Unlikely balance

Forcing me to blend two ways

and fine a new path.

En La Kesh

If you are another me
then why am i filled with fear
when you approach?
If you are another me
why don’t I feel at ease?
We both encompass the cosmos
and thus contain each other
and yet… this loneliness
but if you are another me
you understand.

If I am another you
then I can feel
when your heart speaks
If I am another you
then there’s no skin between us.
I reach out to feel
the you-ness of my soul
and yet…this awkwardness
but if I am another you
you feel it too.

If you are another me
I will love myself
I will gaze in your reflection
and adore the rising sun
I will live
inside my heart
and share…this providence
and since we are all one
you know it too.