Quote of the Day – June 12 2012

“Sin lies only in hurting other people unnecessarily. All other “sins” are invented nonsense. (Hurting yourself is not a sin – just stupid.) ”
~Robert A. Heinlein

He should have known that the gun was loaded. When you ask someone what’s wrong sometimes they tell you. Well the question wasn’t what’s wrong it was far more leading than that. He had asked his friend “What has changed for you in the last month?” Well that and implied that his friend had been less than honest with himself and with his art. Rick acknowledged all of his points and then went on to describe in detail what had changed in the past month. How assumptions that he had carried around his whole life were shown to have no foundation, a literal interpretation of the Tower card tho in this case literally with no Star in sight.

From there he continued he went on to talk about his inability to show in his writing what was really going on in his head because of family concerns and from there went on to describe other ways he was living a lie in both his personal and expressive life. Well Samuel thought, he did ask…

Drafting story wise…More fragments
Blessings, G

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Coral Musing  by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – May 3 2012

“The world is not imperfect or slowly evolving along a path to perfection. No, it is perfect at every moment, every sin already carries grace in it.”
― Hermann Hesse

So many of the writers who have meant a lot to me have a myriad of fantastic quotes to explore and choosing between them can be difficult. Hermann Hesse and his books inspired me and helped me get through my high school and young adult years and his words still speak to me. Perhaps I should go back and reread Demian and see whether it still resonates as strongly. But then I may have to read Narcissus and Goldmund and The Glass Bead Game as well. That’s how my reading list grows so long.
Somewhere beyond our concepts of space and time is the universe already complete and perfect all layers and all dimensions? If that is so and these days i lean towards that in my thinking than everything that is to happen has already done so (or is doing so now in a very dynamic way). Everything has balanced out and is complete. Which means that everything we do, every way we react in moments or in lifetimes is part of that completion. We sin (my definition of that these days is that we go against our true being) and through that sin we expose who we really are or who we will become. Each sin we have been involved in is but a snapshot of a moment in our soul’s becoming. If nothing else, it teaches us compassion and forgiveness for the sins of others.
Blessings, G

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Heart Centred by G A Rosenberg

Serpentine by G A Rosenberg