Quote of the Day – September 11 2011

“There is something terribly morbid in the modern sympathy with pain. One should sympathise with the colour, the beauty, the joy of life. The less said about life’s sores the better.

                    –Oscar Wilde

Ten years ago, a tragedy happened in which many people were killed. I honour their passing and despise the fear-mongering, hatred and exploitation that has come from it.

“Still I persist in wondering must folly always be our nemesis”

               –Edgar Pangborn

Today even more than usual, I intend to let as many people as possible know how much they mean to me and spread joy, laughter and yes colour.

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Colour Space Dance Joy by G A Rosenberg

Dancing Colours by G A Rosenberg

Mandala1 by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – September 10 2011 Perspectives

“Intelligence is the capacity to receive, decode and transmit information efficiently. Stupidity is blockage of this process at any point. Bigotry, ideologies etc. block the ability to receive; robotic reality-tunnels block the ability to decode or integrate new signals; censorship blocks transmission.”

   –Robert Anton Wilson


Thinking about perspectives
part of it still seems to involve how to act
when interfacing with other people’s reality tunnel’s
(most of the time if we’re not hermits)
and yes, how they interface with mine..
i do believe there are limits to how much rudeness
one should be willing to accept from another
By rudeness, I mean someone who insists on trying
to supersede my world view with their own by insisting
that theirs is the only way….
I become weary when i hear terms like “should” and “should not”
“always” and “never” tend to make me a bit queasy also
Tho i realize my own hypocrisy with the first. I have used the word should
but then I too am greatly ignorant
I have yet to meet a person whom I can learn nothing from
So many wonderful teachers
but then one thing I have been slowly learning.
If I see the world as being beautiful and interesting
more and more it becomes so
The more love I conceive and perceive
the more I receive
The more open i become to others, the more my life opens…
Little things, perhaps obvious
yet so easily taken for granted at times,
I know I have…
— G A Rosenberg

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Eye Wood by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – September 9 2011

“Be thou the rainbow in the storms of life. The evening beam that smiles the clouds away, and tints tomorrow with prophetic ray. “

    –Lord Byron

somewhere someone’s sky has opened
their being expresses in all the colours of their soul
the prism of spirit splitting and recombining through the spectrum
white light giving birth and being reborn through colour and feeling and sound
father, mother anima and animus
we exist as light beings
we are the place where rainbows are born
– GAR </h4>

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Somewhere Rainbows are Being Born by G A Rosenberg

On Being a Guest in Someone else’s Youniverse

Who else lives in the same universe you do?


In anybody else’s universe we are a guest, and hopefully we can learn to conduct ourselves accordingly.

1) Only touch things with permission and put them back afterwards.

2) Never criticize and give honest feedback only when asked.

3) Don’t have expectations of what we will find in another’s universe of self. I try so hard not to play ‘accidental tourist’ and demand that the universe’s to which i am privileged to visit be just like mine.

4) Look for the beauty wherever we travel. I have never been to a place (or a person) that did not contain beauty.

5) Realize that no matter who I may be communicating and in what way, I carry my universe with its ‘laws’ with me. Perhaps the universe I am privileged to look at is compatible with my own. I can guarantee that in some ways it will be just as I can guarantee that in others it will differ. It seems silly to treat these differences with anything but a sense of wonder and imagination.

(to be continued or further explored)  –GAR

Quote of the Day – September 8 2011

“All my life I had been looking for something, and everywhere I turned someone tried to tell me what it was.  I accepted their answers too, though they were often in contradiction and even self-contradictory.  I was naïve.  I was looking for myself and asking everyone except myself questions which I, and only I, could answer.  It took me a long time and much painful boomeranging of my expectations to achieve a realization everyone else appears to have been born with:  that I am nobody but myself. 
                                  ~Ralph Ellison, “Battle Royal”  


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Mask and Unmasked Hearts

Quote of the Day – September 7 2011 (Shadows and Dawn)

“Anthems to glory
and Anthems to love
and hymns filled with earthly delight
like the songs that the darkness composes
to worship the light ”
–Dan Fogleberg (Netherlands)

Sometimes my brightest most hopeful thoughts come in the middle of the night. Walking underneath the moon and the stars, feeling the evening breeze around me I make connections and insights and feel most in touch and in alignment with the highest parts of my being. Most of my creativity happens at night. I can see her as Nuit, the eternal night mother from which springs all and which will sweep back all that comes from her…

Likewise Dawn can bring a wistfulness as much as a celebration…After all you cannot have a shadow without a light to cast it…

Acknowledging all sides of ourselves, the lift, the drag and the thrust do we rise.



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Night Shadow by G A Rosenberg

Aurora by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day- September 6 2011 , Wonderings and Wanderings

“Sometimes you have to take the leap, and build your wings on the way down.”
–Kobi Yamada

Light in the darkest of moments
shadows falling in the brightest light
and a sprit that transcends both
and yet contains all within

Can life be lived as meditation
living most moments in a mindful way
or must i be caught up in the storm
tossed about reacting
while part of me stays aloof

feeling myself reach new insights
heights? perhaps, tho depth is added as well
new understand for sure
but with it old emotional storms to clear
no longer feeling the need to indulge in
depression or despair
but still when the emotional weather takes a dark turn
watching it pass can be tricky
— G A Rosenberg

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Wandering by G A Rosenberg

Quotes Of the Day – September 5 2011

“‘Mock me if you, Sir, but at least I have found my God. What gods do you worship, Mr. Grimjack’
‘ All of them Lady. All of them'”
–John Ostrander (Grimjack)


“Paganism is wholesome because it faces the facts of life….”
–Aleister Crowley


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