Quote of the Day – February 17 2013

“Break the glass, please, and free us from all these damned rules, from needing to find an explanation for everything, from doing only what others approve of.”
― Paulo Coelho


Stray Insights and rhyme bits… tonight, If you like them feed them and take them home. Nurture them and they may grow. Otherwise leave them for another’s warmth and or pity…

“Without extremes, without those of us who go off to the edges of life to hang out with the dragons that there be where would any of us be?”


“Crucial and to me the most important thing… not getting stuck.. i mean i can go the rationalist route as long as i can still believe ‘seven impossible things before breakfast’. After coffee i can be all about confirmation”

“incontinent with my confidence… words get syntaxed and meanings get puncturated …Any Dick with a dictionary can have words but essence essentially sits within…”


“Strange how insight never comes on command but strikes at the oddest moments”

Blessings, G


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Not Defined by MachineryNot Defined by Machinery by G A Rosenberg


Spiralling Flourescent Style

Spiralling Fluorescent Style by G A Rosenberg

0 thoughts on “Quote of the Day – February 17 2013”

    1. Indeed, very insightful…wish my mind didnt just go to the Dr Who episode where someone claps and a large hole right about where the ajna chakra would be opens up in the forehead and connects to the computer… mind works in mysterious ways indeed 😉

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