No Wrong Turns

“There are no wrong turnings. Only paths we had not known we were meant to walk.”
― Guy Gavriel Kay


Different turnings…10 yr old with red wagon delivering newspapers in the rise of the Connecticut sun with his dog walking alongside…the night before he dreamt his parents fought and split up and somehow he ended up first with his mother than with his father…15 yr old in New Jersey kissing his first girl friend, his mother and step-father say they have to have the bedroom door open at all times..17 yr old walking with his buddy down the road to adventure. They want to hitch hike out of Connecticut and see what life there is outside of high school. His parents watch them go and are not particularly surprised when he ends up in a religious cult in California…25 yr old hitchhiking with his lover across the US. In Utah they watch the two kids who gave them a ride wiping their prints off the car and he knows they must move quickly. 28 years old and giving tarot readings in Toronto .. 36, back in CT doing web design and he meets the love of his life online…43, he picks his son up from pre-school and takes him for ice cream. 46, a new spiritual awakening and a new career as an artist in Vancouver.
Funny, how each turn in the path when you look back on it seems inevitable. They have all led to this moment in this place. Yet who could have looked ahead and seen them? Still during the darkest moments, what has always kept me going is wonder. Wondering at how much I’ve come through so far and even more curiosity and wonder at what may come next.
Blessings, G


Click on images to see full-sized:


under arch rock formation in MoroccoDate Night 2 by G A Rosenberg


Spreading The Signal AbstractionPropagating the Signal by G A Rosenberg

0 thoughts on “No Wrong Turns”

  1. Namaste G,
    As usual, ‘Propagating the Signal’ is both gorgeous and stunning. I love and enjoy the color palettes.
    ‘Date Night 2’ is a mystery to me. It looks like a vehicle riding off on the sand dune.
    Wishing you much Reiki blessings on your journey.

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