Freeing the Trapped Worlds


“A writer is a world trapped in a person.”
— Victor Hugo


What do you do to free the worlds trapped within you? How do you expose those inhabited spheres of light and darkness that never see the light of day? Too many of us live the lives we think we need to, going through the motions, feeling more and more numb inside. There is a teacher who loves to dance and yet few have seen her ever move a foot out of place. There is a stock investor who dreams of playing jazz guitar on the street busking. There is a young woman scraping to get by as a waitress who has the most beautiful paintings tucked away in a closet. These aren’t even the saddest stories. Even those of us lucky enough to express artistically keep the greatest part of ourselves trapped inside. Perhaps its out of fear of ridicule. Perhaps its because we are too busy trying to earn a living. Perhaps its because we feel our expressions to be too strange or not good enough.
Imagine what it would be like to free these worlds. Sometimes its just a matter of showing one other person one of yours. One other person can open the gateway to freedom for all the myriad trapped worlds. Let’s do it!! Pick a friend or if its easier a complete stranger and let them see your dream. Who knows perhaps that one person is all it takes to keep that dream alive.
It’s an easy thing to pay forward also. How many people can you get to reveal their dreams to you? How can you encourage them to keep their heart fire alive? To me this is a truly worthwhile endeavour.
Blessings, G


Click on images to see full-sized:


Strange TotemStrange Totems by G A Rosenberg


Cosmic Air HockeyCosmic Air Hockey by G A Rosenberg

0 thoughts on “Freeing the Trapped Worlds”

  1. so inspiring and so very true. I continue to tell myself daily “open…open up…be free!…open, open, open” It is so interestingly sad how so frequently we choose to feed our fears instead of our true desires. Opening unabashedly and unafraid of the reactions of others….truly a worthy thought and meaningful action! loved this.

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