Quote of the Day – January 2, 2013

“A poet is a blind optimist.
The world is against him for
many reasons. But the
poet persists. He believes
that he is on the right track,
no matter what any of his
fellow men say. In his
eternal search for truth, the
poet is alone.
He tries to be timeless in a
society built on time.”
― Jack Kerouac


In the physical, can we truly move beyond time? We acknowledge the ever Now and the ever here yet scramble to locate ourselves, for each moment perceived also becomes unique. No one is the same age as me and no one has seen this road before. With empathy and compassion we can feel another’s road but to feel it is not to tread it but to understand it.
I enjoy this ever changing snowflake now for the paradox it is. Being in my head may be painful at times but would not trade it for the more i work the manual for mine, the more insight i have into others in the here now with me. We all journey together on the same journey yet our destinations have already been met. I love talking in paradoxes. Paradoxes may be the only language that exists to describe reality mechanics..
Blessings, G


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There to Catch Should I Fall

There to Catch Me Should I Fall by G A Rosenberg


Infinite Amazement

Infinite Amazement by G A Rosenberg


Quote of the Day – November 22 2012

“Try the meditation of the trail, just walk along looking at the trail at your feet and don’t look about and just fall into a trance as the ground zips by. Trails are like that: you’re floating along in a Shakespearean Arden paradise and expect to see nymphs and fluteboys, then suddenly you’re struggling in a hot broiling sun of hell in dust and nettles and poison oak… just like life.”
― Jack Kerouac, The Dharma Bums


Of course it can happen the other way around, one moment stepping around quicksand and rattlesnakes, all of a sudden the trail clears and you gain certainty where you are… the next step is always a tricky one… or at least unexpected…after awhile the road becomes simply the road without any expectations, after all if you are unsure where you’ll end up then the road as someone said doesn’t really matter. Each moment becomes a crossroads and each companion on the road a scrying pool for self-understanding
Blessings, G


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Apotheosis by G A Rosenberg


The Other Side of the Gate Mandala by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – November 9 2012

“What’s in store for me in the direction I don’t take?”
― Jack Kerouac

Today I was a freedom fighter, standing up for the rights of my chosen family against the despots occupying my land. Today I reached a new breakthrough at the meditation retreat and wondered if I would ever have to go back. Today someone put flowers on my grave. Today i sold a record amount. Today I crossed another day off the calendar and realized that in three months my time was up and I would be released. Today I invoked gods and goddesses, understood and steeped myself in ignorance…So many versions of me existing just a ripple away, Tho all in their own way are growing in awareness and understanding no matter how hard they fight it. Each of them explore some other meaning and perhaps one of them is you.
Blessings, G

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Pensive by G A Rosenberg

Universal Eye by G A Rosenberg


Pensive Inversion by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – October 23 2012

“One man practicing kindness in the wilderness is worth all the temples this world pulls.”
― Jack Kerouac


Tonight I’ve been contemplating humanity with both awe and reverence. Oh there are times when i do it with amused derision or shame but tonight seems a night for hope and amazement. I also realize that there seems to be a human relativity to things such that any one of us from the viewpoint of at least one other person is totally nuts . So in this way its perfectly accurate to say we’re all crazy but then there’s a corollary to that rule that is at least as true. There is no one so insane as to be totally unrelatable to at least one other person and usually several. Explains how some of the more famous psychopaths in our history have need up with adherents.

I have spent most of my life learning to live with my own insanity (and that of my family and friends tho that is another story) and have worked at exposing my being to as many different types of people as possible , enough so that now I would be  hard pressed to describe what I would find outside the bounds of acceptability and have long ago given up the idea of normal. I delight in our craziness both individually and collectively and learn from each one…
Blessings, G


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Born of Magick and the Lotus by G A Rosenberg


Looking inside the Crystal by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – September 17 2012

“Don’t use the phone. People are never ready to answer it. Use poetry.”
― Jack Kerouac


Paint an image on my mind
with your words
sketch landscapes, red with passion
with cool blue water running through it
show a bird swooping down
catching a fish
and feel the fish
gasping as its torn apart in the eagle’s mouth
Communicate feeling with rhythm
ties and cries, no lie defies
you touch my soul, can I be whole
Conversation will never touch this
my lines to you, my heart’s wish
Still we speak and hit the wall
we talk but at not to each other
you walk away, i walk
then in the morning hand you my poem
and perhaps you’ll understand


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Lesson by G A Rosenberg


Geode Mandala by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – September 8 2012

“One man practicing kindness in the wilderness is worth all the temples this world pulls.”
― Jack Kerouac


Today I found myself having a couple of conversations about kindness and compassion, what they mean and what they don’t mean. I’d like to share the questions that came up even more than any answers. Often questions seem more useful.

1) Is it kinder to point out someone’s blind spot so they may have the opportunity to grow or to act like it doesn’t exist?

2) How do we discern the difference between attacking an idea that someone has espoused and attacking the person? How do we realize that it is what we have said that has been challenged and that there was no personal attack at all?

3) What is self-development worth to us. Are we willing to sacrifice what we are for what we may become>

4) If you help a person to grow through extreme means and they thank you afterwards (retroactive consent) , have you violated the person they were?

5) How many of these questions have different answers based on the situation?

Just some food for thought.
Blessings, G


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She Holds Her Children Close by G A Rosenberg


Exploring Shapes on an An Exploded Ruby Abstract by G A Rosenberg


Quote of the Day – August 27 2012

“Happiness consists in realizing it is all a great strange dream”
― Jack Kerouac


By great, of course, Kerouac was not speaking of a qualitative judgement but of size and importance, a dream filled with awe and sometimes mundanity but filled to the brim with faces, reflections of ourselves that sometimes appear strange, locations that change faster than we realize and sometimes faster than we feel we can adjust to and a sense of unreality that comes and goes with startling regularity. I don’t feel alone in perceiving it this way. Still when I decide I’m going to surf the waves that come my way, immerse myself in the dream while realizing that’s what it is… happiness and its wonderfully wise older sister joy can ensue… Feeling this and knowing this is a gift of the universe. Tho like most gifts it tends to come to those to whom it belonged to already… Tho I feel at the same time it is everyone’s birthright.
BLessings, G


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Faces in the Purple Fire by G A Rosenberg

Llama with beautiful Eyes

Quote of the Day – May 19 2012

“My eyes were glued on life
and they were full of tears.”
― Jack Kerouac

Man raises his hand
A smaller being cowers
tears fall from my eyes


A country insists
only some people matter
tears fall from my eyes


when someone forgets
they’re a human being first
tears fall from my eyes


Pollute and Consume
Wound the heart of our mother
tears fall from my eyes


When despite it all
I realize love still exists
tears fall from my eyes


Haikus are wonderfully clearing for the mind, kind of like five finger exercises for the piano

I have felt a bit disjointed as my writing may convey–Communication’s a funny thing init– Still feels like i’m transitioning from something to something tho it could just be the upcoming eclipse..

Still in talking to you I have found a new venue for communicating with myself for which I thank you.
Blessings, G

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Peacock Feathers by G A Rosenberg

Fire Works by G A Rosenberg