Venting My Liver

“Real magic can never be made by offering someone else’s liver. You must tear out your own, and not expect to get it back.”
― Peter S. Beagle


That’s right. If we define magic as the ability to make changes according to will, then the only way to effect change is to know and understand (grock in fullness) whatever it is we wish to change. If we wish to make changes in ourselves than we must be willing to tear ourselves open and examine what’s inside. Of course the very act of understanding ourselves to that extent will cause changes so that the live we get back is never quite the liver we offer (metaphorically speaking anyway). Understanding, transformation, consequence and balance are each steps in performing any kind of magic whether ritual or psychological.
Blessings, G


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She Lives in Multiple WorldsShe Lives in Multiple Worlds by G A Rosenberg


ProtoplasmProtoplasm by G A Rosenberg

Just My Imagination…

“See I’m Imagination. I’m Real, and I’m the best friend you ever had. Who do you think got you all this cool stuff?
The clothes you’re wearing, the room, the house, the city that you’re in. Everything in it started out in the human imagination”
— Alan Moore, Promethea


Through our imagination we create. Without the ability to imagine a finished result would we do anything volitionally? We imagine each step of the way the results of our actions and then decide our next actions on how well the results matched what we imagined and how we picture the result of our modifications. Our art and our speech are the expressions of our imagination. Everything we do and basically everything we allow ourselves to be. Ultimately we are all magicians using our will to express our imaginations.
Blessings, G


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Auric ShadowAuric Shadow by G A Rosenberg


Cubic PathwaysCubic Pathways by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – January 20 2013

“You become powerful when you find the infinty at the centre of your Self. Then, and only then can you extract and wield Excalibur.”
–Malcolm Cook


Lately I have become friends with several people who wish to use some form of magic to control either their circumstances or even to effect change on a country or planetary level. They play all kinds of games seeking to bring themselves power. I can understand that. We all want things to go our way and especially when younger we want what we want when we want it.
However when it comes down to it, we are all ultimately powerful, we have this infinite core from which all manner of things can come. If we feel brought down by loneliness, by working on ourselves and our perception, we can see how connected we are to everything around us. In realizing this the way we act in relationship to this realization ends up attracting others and Boom the problem of loneliness is solved.
In much the same way we can attract money and fulfilment. It all comes down to being willing to as one friend says “do your f*cking yoga”– if we put half as much time in on self-knowledge, self-control and self-work that we do on trying to control our circumstances and the world than things would fall into place much faster.  The funny thing is that working on one’s self is to acknowledge our own responsibility in the equation. So often people want to be able to place the ‘blame’ on external causes when they fail to look at themselves. Of course self-work often means giving up the buzz of the quick fix. I’d rather go for joy than pleasure any day

Blessings, G


A quick postscript. Please do not interpret the above as meaning that I see no value in the practice of magic. Indeed, I believe that ritual can be a powerful tool in self-development. The great work that most magicians speak of is related to the realization of one’s own highest being and will.


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Complex Violet equations

Complex Purple Equations by G A Rosenberg

Mandala in the eye of the Hawk

Mandala within the Eye of the Hawk by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – January 10 2013

‘What is Magik? Magik is the 90% of the brain that we don’t use. Reality is the other 10 percent. Magik is what’s in a child’s eye when he sees snow for the first time. Magik is what’s in an animal’s eye when it first begins to play with its kindred. It’s what’s in the eyes of two lovers when they exchange wedding vows. Magik is what clears all normality away. But just because we know about Magik doesn’t mean we can use it.’
– Heruka Dragonbane.


I was going to speak dryly about what I believe magic to be but I don’t feel so inclined for tonight’s blog. I love the definition that Dragonbane gives for magical thinking. I want to look at the night sky and see it for the first time with the wonder of a child. Without complaining of cold or rain, let me feel the weather on me without expectation. Let me see in each strange the potential friend and find magic and mystery in everything. Let it all be new. Let me feel renewed. Let me laugh and frolick and jump with my dogs and nephews and nieces and see every moment as adventure and see possibilities in every turn. I say all this and the universe replies ‘Go for It’

Blessings, G


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KIng of Pentacles
Tarot – King of Pentacles by G A Rosenberg


Red Blue Inversions
Red-Blue Inversions by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – September 14 2012

“Words are pale shadows of forgotten names. As names have power, words have power. Words can light fires in the minds of men. Words can wring tears from the hardest hearts.”
― Patrick Rothfuss


I gave words a bad rap the other night. Yes, they convey meaning only approximately at best and are as good at blocking communication as they are at aiding it but can we blame the tools for how they are used? The right words can inspire. The right words can heal and build bridges and wake people up who slept before. Words can win battles and tear down old moribund structures. Words are a kind of magic. That’s why we call it spelling 🙂
Words can also damage. Words can bring a person to despair but they can also lift them up to heights never seen before. Words with intent are amazing things.
That word intent becomes important along with another one mindfulness. So much depends on us being mindful not only of what we do but what we say. With mindfulness and intent every word becomes a spell and thus we use our power.
Blessings, G


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Green Play Mandala by G A Rosenberg


Launch Pad by G A Rosenberg

Quotes of the Day – September 21 2011

“Every doorway, every intersection has a story. “

      –Katherine Dunn

“[T]he essential of all magical work: the uniting of the microcosm with the macrocosm. “

   –Aleister Crowley

Every doorway a crosroads
and every moment a doorway
we step through from now to now
Every crossroad leaves its mark”
–GA Rosenberg


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Doorways in Strange Skies by G A Rosenberg

Wellspring by G A Rosenberg

A power in being
expression of self
will of creator
lighting the way for others
with beauty and love
Funny how one of the biggest lies so many of us believe is that love chains and love binds
in reality love frees
for when one is loved-is love
anything seems possible
and even choices are trusted

I have worked hard at making my head
a decent place to visit and now I find
I quite enjoy living here tho company is always welcome
Go on thru. If it gets crowded in here, there is always room in my heart. The expansion project has been coming along nicely.
When I feel this happy, I want to show you the world through my eyes. Even more, I want to show you how you look to me.
I know you will be as amazed by your beauty as I am..

Enjoying magic wonder
hopping skipping
dreaming laughing
so much action all springing from heart source..

Quote of the Day – April 18 2011

“Love is the only bow of life’s dark cloud. It is the Morning and Evening Star. It shines upon the cradle of the babe, and sheds its radiance upon the quiet tomb. It is the Mother of Art, inspirer of poet, patriot, and philosopher. It is the air and light of every heart, builder of every home, kinder of every fire on every hearth, It was the first dream of immortality. It fills the world with melody. Love is the magician, the enchanter, that changes worthless things to joy, and makes right royal kings of common clay.”
–Robert Green Ingersoll

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His Next Trick Requires a Volunteer by G A Rosenberg