Cut-Up Miscellaneous Duality


“I had always been impressed by the fact that there are a surprising number of individuals who never use their minds if they can avoid it, and an equal number who do use their minds, but in an amazingly stupid way. I was also surprised to find many intelligent and wide-awake people who lived (as far as one could make out) as if they had never learned to use their sense organs: They did not see the things before their eyes, hear the words sounding in their ears, or notice the things they touched or tasted. Some lived without being aware of the state of their own bodies.”
— Carl Jung


no evil,no good and no gray, just vectors of existence
the snake weaving its way through…
showing that there is always more than the reality we know
(shadow abyss… apple, strange fruit as we all hang)
there is power in each surge…every touch of the abyss shakes the bubble reality
“Have you ever found, when discovering a new writer who blows you away, a certain kind of mourning when you find they have passed? wishing that their insights continued tho you were little more than aware of them by name when they were alive?”

I am the ghost in the machine. The scent of honeyed seduction curling through my being

This is the house of the moon and the god forms are treated more eternal. Our job would be relatively simple, This is one of the rewards of playing around with symmetry. The role of the animal within is introduced alongside what are called “blocks to becoming” A becoming animal always involves
their thought. All we had to do was put everyday language into equation form and understand that the virgin whore is not simply a blend of the two poles.

Are we all Survival artists, surviving through anything life throws at us until we die or are we Non-Survival artists, each of us through our lives building towards our masterpiece of the life ending?


Click on images to see full-sized:


Inspired SadnessInspired Sadness by G A Rosenberg


Reaching For the MoonReaching For the Moon by G A Rosenberg


Within the Mountains DreamWithin the Mountain’s Dream by G A Rosenberg


Archons ReturnArchon’s Return by G A Rosenberg


Each Second


“No such thing as spare time
no such thing as free time
no such thing as down time
All you have is life time
— Henry Rollins

Each second counts
a lifetime of moments
wasted? Lived!
Yet so many
slip by
without awareness
doing what?No
Does it matter
without the mind
and spirit
to be present
We add the live to life
with be-ing and will
The clock is ticking
and our lives are our own
if we own them
— G A Rosenberg


Blessings, G

Click on images to see full-sized:


46-BifronsBifrons (#46 in Goetia Series) by G A Rosenberg


Coalescing FireCoalescing Fire by G A Rosenberg


Luminous ReflectionsLuminous Reflections by G A Rosenberg

“Art is the Unconscious Love of All Things”


“Only Art is Eternal Wisdom; what is not Art soon perishes. Art is the unconscious love of all things. ‘Learning’ will cease and Reality will become known when it comes to pass that every human being is an Artist.”
― Austin Osman Spare, Book of Pleasure in Plain English


What is art but the communication of one’s self through a medium? If this is true then any one who is expressing themselves is an artist. If a janitor is doing their job mindfully it can be art. A caregiver sharing their being with the people whom they help is an artist of the heart. Can anyone deny motherhood is an art? How about accountancy? I believe that a man or woman walking down the street can be an artist if they are engaging with their senses and surroundings. Any form of expression no matter how it may seem small and meaningless can be art if the person creating it is fully present. What kind of art do you make? Why don’t we make more?
Blessings, G


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CrossingCrossing by G A Rosenberg


Labyrinth to Know WhereLabyrinth to Know Where by G A Rosenberg




“Self-consciousness is the enemy of all art, be it acting, writing, painting, or living itself, which is the greatest art of all.”
― Ray Bradbury


Self-consciousness does seem to be the most double-edged of awarenesses. On the one hand, self-consciousness can be defined as mindful awareness of what one is doing and its possible consequences. Awareness tends to be a good thing, no? Well I guess it all depends on what you do with it. We can use our awareness and act in incredibly mindful ways that benefit everyone involved the most or we can react in fear to our awareness and have it freeze us into immobility because almost everything we do can be criticized by others and very few things we do have no darker aspect to them. If any action can lead to negative consequences does that mean inaction is better. Doubtful as even that, perhaps especially that will have effects that ripple out. To me I would rather choose action.
Blessings, G


Click on the images to see full-sized:


Exploding SolidsBlasted Geometry by G A Rosenberg


Fractal WavesFractal Waves by G A Rosenberg

Visiting Thoughts …


“We can’t control what thoughts visit our mind. We can however decide which ones live there.”
— Randall Wolfe


I’m sure its possible through meditation and mindfulness to gain control over an unruly mind to one extent or another. For me, though there are times when unwanted and/or unkind thoughts pass through my mind. Sometimes they may be born of frustration. Sometimes there may be self-pity. All of those things that if I deny falling pray to, I call myself both a liar and a fool. Still tho most often I can see these thoughts for what they are and either reason my way through them or realize that the opposite is also true. Thus if I don’t directly kick out my frustrated and angry visitors at least I show them the door and allow them to pass through. It’s amazing how much awareness and seeing these thoughts for what they are helps.
Blessings, G


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Emerald and AmberEmerald and Amber by G A Rosenberg


Colour and Texture 2Colour and Texture 2 by G A Rosenberg

Realizing the Choice


“These ideas can be made more concrete with a parable, which I borrow from John Fowles’s wonderful novel, The Magus.

Conchis, the principle character in the novel, finds himself Mayor of his home
town in Greece when the Nazi occupation begins. One day, three Communist
partisans who recently killed some German soldiers are caught. The Nazi commandant gives Conchis, as Mayor, a choice — either Conchis will execute the three partisans himself to set an example of loyalty to the new regime, or the Nazis will execute every male in the town.

Should Conchis act as a collaborator with the Nazis and take on himself the
direct guilt of killing three men? Or should he refuse and, by default, be responsible for the killing of over 300 men?

I often use this moral riddle to determine the degree to which people are hypnotized by Ideology. The totally hypnotized, of course, have an answer at once; they know beyond doubt what is correct, because they have memorized the Rule Book. It doesn’t matter whose Rule Book they rely on — Ayn Rand’s or Joan Baez’s or the Pope’s or Lenin’s or Elephant Doody Comix — the hypnosis is indicated by lack of pause for thought, feeling and evaluation. The response is immediate because it is because mechanical. Those who are not totally hypnotized—those who have some awareness of concrete events of sensory space-time, outside their heads— find the problem terrible and terrifying and admit they don’t know any ‘correct’ answer.

I don’t know the ‘correct’ answer either, and I doubt that there is one. The
universe may not contain ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ answers to everything just because Ideologists want to have ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ answers in all cases, anymore than it provides hot and cold running water before humans start tinkering with it. I feel sure that, for those awakened from hypnosis, every hour of every day presents choices that are just as puzzling (although fortunately not as monstrous) as this parable. That is why it appears a terrible burden to be aware of who you are, where you are, and what is going on around you, and why most people would prefer to retreat into Ideology, abstraction, myth and self-hypnosis.

To come out of our heads, then, also means to come to our senses, literally—to live with awareness of the bottle of beer on the table and the bleeding body in the street. Without polemic intent, I think this involves waking from hypnosis in a very literal sense. Only one individual can do it at a time, and nobody else can do it for you. You have to do it all alone.”
― Robert Anton Wilson


Difficult questions
keep me awake debating
No easy answers


How well can you debate yourself? I don’t mean to the point of inaction tho often I find myself doing this but enough to know that when you make a difficult decision that the alternative has things going for it as well? The questions can present themselves in as simple a way as a person with a sign saying they are homeless and can you help them? Do you walk on by because you have just given change to three other homeless people and now have none? Do you buy them a meal? Are they truly homeless or looking to feed one habit or another? Will giving money foster dependence? In the long run, will a dollar or two change that person’s life? Well it could potentially but in probability? All these questions come up for me each time and I try to choose consciously if not correctly?
The above is an easy question to see the sides of. In reality we probably hit many potential questions just as open each day. Is an awakened life truly one where we know the questions if not the answers? Asking them definitely makes for a mindful existence.
Blessings, G


Click on images to see full-sized:


New CreationNew Creation by G A Rosenberg


Red and Green WeaveRed and Green Weave by G A Rosenberg

Messages Sent and Received

“Our own life has to be our message.”
― Thich Nhat Hanh


If I stay still and listen
aware of your presence
your words and your being
than I can receive the message of your life.
With each breath and each choice we reveal ourselves
each moment becomes the midnight
where our masks come undone
yet even our masks show the face underneath
after all are they not how we want the world to perceive us?
That says a great deal
Yet how do I choose
the message of my life?
How can I become a clear channel?
Does my life say what I wish it to
or am I just messaging myself?

Blessings, G


Click on images to see full-sized:


Strange Seas at NightStrange Seas At Night by G A Rosenberg


FluidFluid by G A Rosenberg

Mindfulness Makes the Difference

“For me the world is weird because it is stupendous, awesome, mysterious, unfathomable; my interest has been to convince you that you must assume responsibility for being here, in this marvelous world, in this marvelous desert, in this marvelous time. I want to convince you that you must learn to make every act count, since you are going to be here for only a short while, in fact, too short for witnessing all the marvels of it.”
― Carlos Castaneda


How do we make every act count? So much of what we do seems to be either of distraction or necessity. Both of these have their uses for sure but do they count? Well distraction can often feed our spirit and give us a chance to recharge. When we do things out of necessity (as long as they are things that we feel are necessary as opposed to what we are told by others) then we have some investment in them. Perhaps that makes the difference between an act that counts and one that doesn’t. When we do something that we are present and invested in, that we are mindful of than what we are doing counts, whether it is saving a child or reading a comic book. Mindfulness makes the difference.
Blessings, G


Click on images to see full-sized:


DeterminedDetermined by G A Rosenberg


Shooting StarShooting Star by G A Rosenberg

Don’t Shoot the Ego Messenger

“How to get rid of ego as dictator and turn it into messenger and servant and scout, to be in your service, is the trick.”
― Joseph Campbell


Aleister Crowley in his Liber III vel Jugorum wrote of a whole regiment designed to control the thoughts and train the ego. It involved razor blades and self-flagellation and while it may be effective may be considered a bit much for some people. Still the ego tends to be tricky. Even when we don’t believe that it controls us it can be the most manipulative and passive aggressive of servants. Also, the more we worry and obsess about whether our egos are controlling us or not, the more we can be sure that they are.
Perhaps it is better to just have awareness. Witness our thoughts and witness our actions and emotions and then try to have awareness of who it is that is doing the witnessing. This does not mean that to stop doing things volitionally. It does mean that we can be mindful of our actions and see where that leads us.
Blessings, G


Click on images to see full-sized:


Unexpected Roadside AppearanceUnexpected Roadside Appearance by G A Rosenberg


Love's Strange MirrorLove’s Strange Mirror by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – September 14 2012

“Words are pale shadows of forgotten names. As names have power, words have power. Words can light fires in the minds of men. Words can wring tears from the hardest hearts.”
― Patrick Rothfuss


I gave words a bad rap the other night. Yes, they convey meaning only approximately at best and are as good at blocking communication as they are at aiding it but can we blame the tools for how they are used? The right words can inspire. The right words can heal and build bridges and wake people up who slept before. Words can win battles and tear down old moribund structures. Words are a kind of magic. That’s why we call it spelling 🙂
Words can also damage. Words can bring a person to despair but they can also lift them up to heights never seen before. Words with intent are amazing things.
That word intent becomes important along with another one mindfulness. So much depends on us being mindful not only of what we do but what we say. With mindfulness and intent every word becomes a spell and thus we use our power.
Blessings, G


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Green Play Mandala by G A Rosenberg


Launch Pad by G A Rosenberg