Tarot Post – Page of Swords


Page / Princess of Swords (Earth of Air)


Page of SwordsPage of Swords (Revised) by G A Rosenberg


“Teach me” the child said.
I explained a new idea
He then made it real.


I’m going to make it happen
No one has thought of this before
It seems so obvious
and it’s up to me
to make it real.
I am watchful
Ain’t nobody can take away
an idea who’s time has come.
From me it will spread to others
until it lives and breathes
on its own.
I know I can do this
and I will not be stopped.
For so long unnoticed
I’ve watched them all
of what their lives have become
and how cheaply they’ve been sold
Now my plan will carry them.
Whatever it takes
This is happening.


The suit of Swords represents thought, ideas, plans and conflicts.Pages (or Princesses as they are called in many decks) represent the grounding or emergence of the energy involved. What happens when a new idea is born into the world full blown like Minerva, the goddess of wisdom in Greek mythology springing from the forehead of Zeus? There is a thrill of discovery and great enthusiasm to make it a reality. We want everyone to understand and utilize this new thought of ours. We become watchful, ready to take on any challenges or objections that may arise on the way to making our new thought a reality. We may also find ourselves vigilant to make sure someone else doesn’t come along and do it wrong. We move quickly because who knows how long our energy may last or whether we are equal to the task?
The Page of Swords is perceptive and intuitive and full of flashes of insight that he feels the need to make manifest. He may lack the maturity to make it happen however. He may at his worse have trouble finding the right words to express all that he has to say. He may be over-defensive and may find himself answering challenges with way too much contempt for those whom he feels just do not get it.


I Ching Correspondence – 18) Ku – Decay / Repair

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The trigram of the Mountain is over that of Wind. Air trapped inside a mountain range stagnates and there may be a need of a fresh breeze. When any process has gone on too long in the same way it stagnates. Ideas that were innovative in their time give way to expediency and stagnation. Unwatched, even ideals that have led to freedom may have in their turn become even more imprisoning. There arises a constant need to weed out old ideas that no longer serve us and lock us into patterns of behaviour that have grown destructive. It helps us to be open to new viewpoints and paradigms that we can test and adapt. In this way we can continue to grow and evolve.


When the Page of Swords turns up in a reading it often has to do with the need to speak our truth even though we may expect opposition. It may refer to a younger person in our environment who is bright and perceptive but who may be dismissed because of their youth. The card may also refer to news which we may resist because it has the potential to shake up our comfortable lives. The Page of Swords may also refer to someone who has taken an interest in our lives and is trying to learn more about us. It may also be telling us to clear our minds and consider our approach before we try to communicate our ideas.


The reversed Page of Swords may be telling us that we have become too hyper-vigilant and that we are jumping at shadows, seeing opposition everywhere. Too often there is a tendency to use perceived obstacles as an excuse to not move ahead in our lives. It may also be telling us that we or someone in our environment is either talking or acting without thinking things through. The card may also indicate that we have become too fearful of expressing ourselves either because we have not thought things through first or because we are unprepared.

Quote of the Day – January 6 2012

“Knowing your own darkness is the best method for dealing with the darknesses of other people.”
–Carl Jung


Who do you trust with your dark side?  I want people to see me at my best and most positive. There are relatively few people I feel safe enough to show my shadow, my ignorance, my dark and negative side. Why? What am I afraid of ? If Jung is right, doesn’t it work in reverse, by showing other’s my darkness, I allow them to encounter their own shadow? My claim up to now is that I don’t wish to offend but in reality isn’t it that I have not yet found the courage to do so? Do I really have that much fear that mommy will slap me for saying the wrong thing?
It seems of late as if I have been given more and more pieces of myself. Not all of them are pretty
Blessings, G

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Page of Swords

Tarot – Page of Swords by G A Rosenberg

All manner of things be Wheel


All Manner of Things Be Wheel by G A Rosenberg