On Asking Questions

Asking questions of ourselves, or others and the universe seems to be a vanishing skill. Not surprising governments seem to like to keep their populaces dumbed down and unquestioning. In public schools, as classes get larger and larger there is greater and greater emphasis placed on learning the ‘facts’ as presented and kids are told there is only limited time at best for questions.



We are told which questions are ok to ask and which ones aren’t. News conferences and interviews with politicians and celebrities are vetted beforehand to make sure nothing unexpected comes through that there may not be a ready answer to. If certain questions get asked about government policies even in countries that are supposedly ‘free’ and ‘democratic’, they don’t get answered. Instead the questioner becomes lambasted, called unpatriotic or self-hating. The rhetoric grows louder and louder and becomes more and more repetitious until the original question becomes lost or forgotten.



In today’s world, the child who points out the Emperor has no clothes becomes silenced before he can utter four words. He, tho at least has the willingness to ask. Please ask questions and demand answers of your government, your organization, your teachers, your friends and your self. Don’t settle for canned responses, open your eyes to what goes on around you. After all, can’t we learn as much from questions as we can from their answers?
Blessings G



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Mindstorm by G A Rosenberg

Behind Her Eyes — Redux

Behind her eyes
I see the fire
Inspiration and intense heat
Cleanse my imagination
and temper my weary spirit
Burn away lost answers
to expose meaning
Burn away meanings
to expose all.

Behind her eyes
I hear water
life-giving endless oceans
accept my aching thirst
and sustain my being
to swim in her depths
is to be lost
yet to float
is to be reborn



Behind her eyes
I feel the air
Buoyant uplifting currents
teach me flight
and awaken my vision
My journey within her
is limitless
My journey without her
could not exist



Behind her eyes
I taste the earth
Beautiful succulent plants
feed my soul
and nourish my heart
I grow content
to tend her fields
I grow inspired
to transcend



Behind her eyes
I find the night
Fiery consuming suns
dissolve my being
and leave only bliss
With her I am nothing
With her I am all…

— G A Rosenberg



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Behind Her Eyes by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – June 17 2012

“Art can be worship and Service.
The Incandescent core of our soul.
A glowing God’s eye,
Infinitely aware of the beauty of creation,
Is interlocked with a network of souls,
Part of one vast group soul.”
–Alex Grey


Searching for Wisdom
I examine my soul’s depths
I come up empty


Meditation brings me
Balance and new awareness
A flower opens


An end to searching
The universe lives and breaths
within my vision


Birds fly overhead
universe breathes within them
I am not alone


A bit of Haiku structure for a night when I need my being jogged. It seems to be for me anyway more of a weekend of being rather than communication. Words seem to be coaxed out only by rhythm tho awareness seems high.
Blessings, G

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Look at that Bodhi by G A Rosenberg

A Flight of Fractal Birds by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – June 16 2012

“Normally, we do not so much look at things as overlook them.”
–Zen quote by Alan Watts

Fishing in a Zen garden. I feel comfortable with the metaphor. Our witness sitting with its fishing pole allowing whatever we do or see to flow past knowing that what will land on the hook is what is needed for growth, for balance and for evolution.


So often, I put such importance on my day to day stuff. I worry about how something may or may not turn out either through my effort or lack of it. So much matters. Since it matters, it weighs down each moment and I forget that the matter has accrued in this here and now. In the here and now one week in the future, things that matter now will matter a whole lot less and five years from now probably won’t matter at all.

The fisherman still sits at his fishing hole fishing. Whatever comes by will. If it jumps on his line then it does. The witness smiles…

Blessings, G

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Fishing in a Zen Garden by G A Rosenberg

Amethyst by G A Rosenberg

Johnny Wisdomseed (Redux)

Long have I wandered
with this sack of seeds
gathered over lifetimes
Longer still shall I continue
searching for fertile ground
in which to plant.
Occasionally I stop to
entertain a questioning mind
or overturn a cherished notion
that has run its course
I joke, I challenge, I plant a seed
staying just long enough
to see it take root.



Other times I cast seeds to the wind,
A poem left in a bar
A  Chalk picture on sidewalk
A story written in spiderwebs
or interwebs
With each of these
I send a prayer
that they will land
and spread and grow
providing sustenance for many



Not every seed will thrive
nor every thought take hold
neither life nor wisdom provide that certainty
nor is every seed viable



Still I travel
with song and with seed
until I stop.
When that day comes
scatter me on the wind
Another idea
floating on the breeze
–G A Rosenberg


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A Different Paradigm by G A Rosenberg

Four of Disks – Redux

Power contained not held
not grasped
willing to let it pour forth
and rise up and out at any moment
All comes from this moment
once embedded in matter then
only liberation remains
power when wielded becomes force
Rise up oh serpent mother
through this material form
as green springs up through snow
Let the spirit flow forth
from fractured shell

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Four of Pentacles by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – June 13 2012

“The higher the sun ariseth, the less shadow doth he cast; even so the greater is the goodness, the less doth it covet praise; yet cannot avoid its rewards in honours.”
–Lao Tsu

Wow an entry that definitely doesn’t write itself. Feeling the sun energy or perhaps the need for it of late…Definitely a bit of Obscureness…The clouds are in the way. Not that I don’t have an underlying sense of the rightness of it all. Things unfold as they will yet knowing that and feeling it are two different things. Still meditate more and fret less  or as a friend of mine says “Shut up and do your fucking yoga”. Almost always good advice I find…

Fractal clouds glowing
rainbow colours
set on fire by spirit sun

forms morphing
elemental kaleidoscope
the shapes i see
subject of my lens perception
showing me the symbols I need
to carry on…

— G A Rosenberg


Blessings, G

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Tarot Trump XIX -The Sun by G A Rosenberg

Black Star Mandala by G A Rosenberg

Gorilla Dreams – A Poem Found by A Rabbit Hole – Redux

Ever feel like your spirit
echoes a sound that you
haven’t quite heard before


Like reading a book
for the fifth time
a new character enters
that has always belonged


New ideas wafting
their way home
the nest having been kept warm,
inviting and open to change


new directions given the prayer;
new games finding their player
new connections, new reflections
no piece of the puzzle exists as just blue sky…


See you in Wonderland


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Gorilla Dreams by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – June 12 2012

“Sin lies only in hurting other people unnecessarily. All other “sins” are invented nonsense. (Hurting yourself is not a sin – just stupid.) ”
~Robert A. Heinlein

He should have known that the gun was loaded. When you ask someone what’s wrong sometimes they tell you. Well the question wasn’t what’s wrong it was far more leading than that. He had asked his friend “What has changed for you in the last month?” Well that and implied that his friend had been less than honest with himself and with his art. Rick acknowledged all of his points and then went on to describe in detail what had changed in the past month. How assumptions that he had carried around his whole life were shown to have no foundation, a literal interpretation of the Tower card tho in this case literally with no Star in sight.

From there he continued he went on to talk about his inability to show in his writing what was really going on in his head because of family concerns and from there went on to describe other ways he was living a lie in both his personal and expressive life. Well Samuel thought, he did ask…

Drafting story wise…More fragments
Blessings, G

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Coral Musing  by G A Rosenberg