Quote of the Day – July 20 2012

“I think the thing to do is enjoy the ride while you’re on it”
— Johnny Depp


I’m going to leave the question that I finished with last night “Who do you speak for?” open for a bit longer. I’ve received some really good responses and wish to hear from not only more of you but a bit more from myself because the answer to this question internally is one of the things I’ve been building up to for awhile. I will clarify in that the questions intent is for each of us to ask ourselves (well you all by invitation I’ve been asking myself) who do I represent? The answer seems paradoxically bigger and smaller at the same time than I first believed.

I have friends both online and off who tend to be hardcore fighters for justice. A few of them believe that it is wrong to show any enjoyment of our lives when so many are suffering. I can understand their point and I get it. I believe in helping as many people as possible as constructively as possible. However I feel I can do this just as well if not better by actively enjoying as many moments as I can. I find good humour to be contagious and nothing I can give to another seems quite as powerful as a genuine smile and good humour. I can and have walked around sullen and full of outrage and people go out of their way to avoid me. I can’t quite see the benefit in that. I can be more productive and do more good when I feel joy.
Blessings, G


Click on image to see full-size


Invitation by G A Rosenberg


Spider Weaving Cosmic Web by G A Rosenberg

5 thoughts on “Quote of the Day – July 20 2012”

  1. Can only agree with Johnny Depp on this one G.
    Feeling guilty about feeling good is not going to do me or anyone else any good. However; I can unconsciously/consciously assist others with a smile and good graces… 🙂

    1. For sure, While i have felt guilt, I have never truly understood it. Tho if I feel guilty about something it is usually time to either stop doing it or stop feeling guilty

  2. We’re all part of the same web. If you’re being joyful in it you’re contributing joy. If you’re being angry in it you’re contributing anger. If you’re being peace you’re adding peace to the web. If you’re depriving yourself your’re adding deprivation. It always seems to me the question is: what part of the web do I want to be? If my contribution could possibly tip a balance in one direction or another, do I want to contribute joy and peace or anger and self-righteousness?

  3. I really like the quote and the first picture. I think it is the responsibility of each of us to be as happy, positive, and joyful as possible, because we first have to fully love ourselves and our lives before we can extend that love outward to help others. I am in the continual process of loving myself more and trying to find ways that I can serve others, and help them find their own light. Cheers.

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