The Tower (Redux)

Expectations smashed
and hopes demolished
Cast down because I didn’t read the small print
I built my house of cards on shaky ground
Amazing how you can convince yourself
you know what’s real
I surrounded myself with illusion
ignoring the warning signs
Now that little kid truth has knocked it all down
Maybe next time i’ll look before I build again

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The Tower by G A Rosenberg

9 thoughts on “The Tower (Redux)”

  1. Impressive. Have been working with Tarot many years). The tower often is more a liberating card than a destruction with no purpose. Give up and expect.

    1. Yes exactly
      We all tend to build our universal rules from a combination of truth and illusion. When our illusions overbalance reality our Tower falls, liberating us from our illusions. We now have the opportunity to build again on more solid ground
      Thanks for your comment

      1. Then the solid ground will start to shake again in an ever-lasting dance of change. Its the experiencer self that is already a tower to be. Great art you make by the way!

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