Quote of the Day – February 7 2013

“There’s never an easy route to the things that matter.”
― Charles de Lint


In the long run, what is it that matters? As cliche as it sounds, we’re all on a journey. Some might think it is to have the life we want to have while for others its a quest to simply survive. We like our challenges also, don’t we.  Any time it feels like things are coasting without a challenge we encounter some person or something or some situation that will throw a wrench into our coziness and show us we’re not quite there yet We throw ourselves at these challenges, occasionally feel beaten or battered by them or sometimes we score an easy win. Those easy wins are great for building confidence but they’re not where our greatest lessons come from. It’s those things and people that have the greatest potential for getting under our skin that hold the greatest lessons for us. It might take time to see the lessons, weeks or months but if we keep looking its there. Feeling gratitude towards these difficult teachers can be the greatest challenge.
Blessings, G


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Flower of TransformationFlower of transformation by G A Rosenberg

Scrying Pool Mandala


Journey Within by G A Rosenberg

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