Quote of the Day – September 19 2012

“I will go forth as a real outlaw,” he said, “and as men do robbery on the highway I will do right on the highway; and it will be counted a wilder crime.”
― G.K. Chesterton


What does it mean to do right? “If it harm none?” Does it mean being a rapturist (the opposite of a terrorist) who goes forth committing random acts of senseless kindness? What about the times when the right thing to do, the just thing to do is nothing? Can we sit back knowing that balance has brought people to a crossroads where violence may have been invited into their lives in order to stop them from going further down the path they have been? How do we know?

I sometimes become surprised at how many people, mainly younger, tell me that they have been contemplating suicide. I listen and most of the time I find out rather quickly that their real intention seems more to get people listening to them for they need to speak. I listen because that seems to me the right thing to do and inevitably I tell them that I believe that that may be a choice for them. I also ask them if they believe in reincarnation. If they tell me they do I ask them if they have considered that this life may indeed be one of the more pleasant ones. Pretty quickly they switch to telling me that things seem much brighter. Does it seem to be the right thing to dissuade them. At the time for sure, tho how would I feel if I were to read a month later that one of then went on a killing spree?

Still some things I choose to accept because for me at least currently they work. Compassion and empathy is always better. Love is better. Learning how to put these into right action and right thought tends to be a work in progress.
Blessings, G


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Tarot Trump XI – Justice by G A Rosenberg


I Live at the Centre by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – September 15 2012

“Mindfulness must be engaged. Once there is seeing, there must be acting. Otherwise, what’s the use of seeing?”
― Thich Nhat Hanh, Peace Is Every Step


Putting what you know into action I can understand that. How do we know what right action is? If you see a car about to hit a child, right action becomes obvious. Do what you can to avoid mortal harm to the child. Actually I believe we can agreeto thisbio matter what the age if the person involved. What happens when the answer isn’t as obvious?

Thich Nhat Hanh said once there is seeing. We may see the need for action but not know what action to take. That feels ok because we generally don’t know. We may be facing a blind spot or block that we have to work throughuntil right action becomes clear. Prayer and meditation  helps as does the council of the wise. Eventually clear seeing happens and right action becomes obvious. Until then a lesson in patience may be called for


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Flowering by G A Rosenberg


Life Inside the Bubble by G A Rosenberg