Notes on: Three of Wands

(Chance’s Virtue)



Artist’s Notes:
I’ve been told that every story can be summed up even beyond Joseph Campbell’s monomyth by one of two lines. “A stranger comes to town” and “Someone leaves town” and sometimes it is both. There are those who are led situationally to follow an inner call that leads them from place to place, person to person and situation to situation. He may not know what lies before him but he knows he has the creativity, intelligence, vitality and the will to keep moving forward. As long as he acts in accordance with his own being (purity), he will resolve the situation that he walks into, change what he needs to and leave again to wherever he is meant to be. Is he sane, living this life? One being’s sanity is another’s bugfug insanity and to me, it is better to ask if he is functional. The answer is assuredly yes, even hyper-functional. Most of us are so used to living according to or in reaction to society’s laws to the extent that anyone being true to themselves will seem hopelessly insane. If today’s society is any measure, then sanity may be a much-overvalued commodity.
About the Archetype:
Wands deal with force; creative, spiritual, and vital.
Threes deal with accomplishment, maturity and transmission of the energy involved.
Combining these two energies, we have spiritual energy that is ready to transmit and receive. It is an accomplished force that energizes everything surrounding it. Looking at various versions of this card I am reminded of the beginning of Kahlil Gibran’s classic book The Prophet, where a man thought to be spiritually advanced and wise has been living on an island, teaching and inspiring people for a long period and now awaits the ship that will carry him home. Before he leaves he transmits the wisdom that has come into his care to give.
Here this is shown by the central figure’s focus on both where he is going and what is left behind yet holds his affection.
Even more, this card represents a sending out of energy while staying behind and then the reception of energy. Again the idea of transmission is manifested.
Astrological Correspondent:
Sun in Aries – This energy always involves moving and sending forward. It is always moving forward inspiring other energies to do the same, no matter where in their own situation they may find themselves.
In a Reading:
In a reading, the Three of Wands talks about acting in accordance with nature both personally and in a wider sense. The path is known now all that remains is to follow it. If the person getting the reading is asking about whether a decision of theirs is the correct one in a moral sense, this card would answer with a resounding yes and that the path they are on is the correct one.
When the Three of Wands is reversed or poorly aspected, it may mean that finding the right path and deciding on goals feels unreasonably blocked. That may very well be the keynote for the reversal of the Three of Wands, a blockage of energy.
Fate’s Whisper:
The Spark of Life in its early stages was considered to be suicide to hold. Out of a raven’s impulse, the tiger took to it immediately as it was the shiniest. At that moment it consumed him, only moments later he would come out unchanged. In fact in the words of his bias, “You can’t change what was already insane.”
This would give context that the gifts each pillar chose were nothing more than a natural extension of who they each were and how they operated. Presented with a new bigger picture it became a lesson their biases would never forget.
Just like the Pillars, we each represent something that seems much bigger than us. The gifts we hold are merely benefits of the transformations we have undergone. While some might seek these gifts for their benefit, the greater gift is when we simply use them as we please without the forced intent. So relax your gift is there all you have to do is take a breath and claim it.



Notes on: Two of Wands

(Elemental Dominion)


Artist’s Notes:
This card has taken something of a strange turn. Two glowing poles representing a boundary separate a human wizard and a draconian wizard. The human wizard meets both types of energies that the dragon uses with his own counter energy. This picture could easily have been done from the opposite direction with the dragon holding his own against the impending attack of the human. It all depends upon perspective and choice yet in the end, it is at least the victor of the day who writes the account.
There are other perspectives by which we may view this card. Might we not be seeing two different versions of the same being from two different points in his stream? Could this not be a training exercise? Does that make it more consequential or less?
About the Archetype:
Wands deal with force in all of its forms, creative, spiritual, and vital. Twos deal with dualities and choices. When faced with the other do we fight it, love it, choose it or balance it? In the case of the two of wands, we have used our force and we have accomplished. Now we are faced with a choice. Do we go forward into something new or do we stay with what we have already accomplished? Which road should we take? With the two of wands, there is that frustration of needing the action that is denoted by the wands but facing the inaction of choosing.
Astrological Correspondence:
Mars in Aries – Mars in Aries is in its native sign and is all afire. It is a lot of quick energy seeking to take action and very impulsive. It will choose to do this, then this, then this, whether fighting, engaging in sex, or conquering, it wants to go, go..All kinds of energy to make things happen but not necessarily attentive to details… So it may start one thing, then another then… but which one to continue? AARRGGH, forget it let’s just start something new. What happens then when there is nothing left to start?
In a Reading:
When the two of wands comes up in a reading it normally refers to things going rather well for the querent tho there may be some serious question as to which path to take next. Making any choice in this situation is better than hesitating. Another way will always come up. It is better to go ahead now that you have momentum and energy on your side. And that you have in abundance
When the two of wands, is reversed or badly aspected, it can show that one is hesitating over making a decision out of fear or apathy. It can also mean that a choice has been made but the follow-up just is not happening.
Fate’s Whisper:
In one hand,  the tiger holds the joys and despair of life, while in the other is the chance something new. While his existence is filled with chaos,  he makes the best of it to create endless possibilities that no one else sees. Like a seed blooming he instils the slightest push to get us started. Any more effort would be too boring in his eyes.
As you manifest your life you are guaranteed to fall many times as you balance these forces. It is up to you to turn that fall into something worthwhile, otherwise, you will begin to stagnate. Like any great art piece, once the brush starts it never truly stops this painting is done. how long it takes you to make it all depends on whether you can make these forces your own.


Notes on: The Ace of Wands

(Seed of Chance and Fire)

Artist’s Notes:
In a place that is mainly undifferentiated in terms of shape colour or element, a tree appears. At the tree’s base is a tiger wearing a rather striking hat. Is this a primal tree of life from which everything else will appear or is it merely a magician’s wand writ large. Best to look around because the longest distance between two numbers is between 0 (non-existence) and 1 (something is there). If there is one thing then it can be expected that this will lead to more sooner rather than later. Wands don’t simply appear by chance or is that the only way they do?
About the Archetype:
Wands in general deal with creativity and spiritual force. Aces deal with beginnings and seeds. Here is the inspiration that starts a new cycle of everything that is to come. This is the seed of existence that contains everything that is to come. A new road has appeared. a spark of fire where there was only darkness. Go for it… Let the spark ignite you spiritually and creatively.
Astrological Correspondence:
The Aces hold a unique place astrologically in the tarot. Where the trumps each have their planet, sign, or element and the court cards have their combination of elements and sign attributes and even the pip cards (2-10) each have their correspondence, the aces don’t have specific correspondences. They, instead, contain the seed of the element and the potential for everything the element or suit has to offer. You may see them as a balance to the Pages or Princesses of the suit which are the manifestations of the suit in full flower.
In a Reading
In a reading when the Ace of Wands appears upright, maybe talking about a new start as it exists in potential. It is up to us to make use of the potential and to fan the spark into a flame…Take advantage of it
When there is a blockage to the energy (or the card appears reversed) then the spark can have died unfulfilled, a false beginning. Something is blocking you from taking advantage of the potential. The other cards in the spread may very well give you insight into what is blocking you.
Fate’s Whisper:
In a time before death inspired great movements immortals needed an extra push to act. Deeming the original immortals were the first signs of life after the pillars, living life had to start somewhere. It was the idea of the Tiger to induce the air with chaos just to see what would occur. This action becomes the first of many actions that would give the Tiger his first title, Master of Madness. For one whose bias was the purest form of transmutation he knew not predictability nor logic. Even among the pillars, his actions made little sense, though that is the reason he held the spark of life. For its fire needed endless fuel to ensure life could be had.
Like the madness, the Tiger sowed the Ace of Wands signifies a time when we need to manifest change. Unlike the other suit, this change must be born of passion and ambition alone. That spark of life resides in each of us so how will you make the flame of your life shine? Will it be born of boredom and dread? Or will it plant the seed of inspiration in those around you?


NOTES ON: The World


Artist’s Notes :
The cosmos spins on its axis as does the planet, our beings and reality itself. The tension of the four angles and other primal points result in the manifestation of reality as we know it. Each event unwinds and the cycles continue. Inhalation into becoming, being and then the exhalation into unbecoming only to start again into a new cycle. In the end, we all become everything we were meant to be which includes, by its very nature everything we were not.
The difference between this and the other World card is that where that one depicts a process, this card is a snapshot of one instance in infinity where everything is as it should be at that point in its cycle. The next moment will bring its own perfection.
About the Archetype:
With the Judgement or Aeon card, we find our purpose. With the World that purpose is realized. We have unified ourselves with our shadow, have discovered our potential, and have realized it. Now there is a new and fuller understanding of who we are and our place in the universe. The great journey has ended and there is a celebration. The limitations that we have placed on ourselves have been surpassed. We have greater insight into ourselves and the great dance continues.
However, the ending is the beginning of something, always. The dance never stops and there are always new goals to reach for and further self-discovery and realization to reach for. The Universe inevitably leads back to the Fool in a full circle and the journey forever begins anew (The Serpent with his tail in his mouth )
for what appears to be a circle is actually a spiral that never ends but continually evolves.
Astrological Correspondent:
Saturn (♄) – The Saturnian energy is that of the teacher. It gives us the life lessons we need in whatever sphere of influence it resides at the moment. Saturn shows us our limits and challenges us to face them and move beyond them. Saturn is also the ruler of time which in itself is a self-imposed limitation for most of us. It represents the wisdom of old age and the onset of maturity which can be thought of as the understanding of what it was all for. It governs to some extent personal responsibility and how well we live our ideals and principles and how well we communicate them through our actions.
The element of Earth(Earth)is also connected with The Universe trump. In astrology, the influence of Earth nurtures us and grounds us. It focuses on the practical and attainable while helping us to achieve more. The Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn) are all involved with achievements of a practical nature and of our responsibility in the maintenance of it.
In a Reading:
When the World card turns up in a reading, it is usually an indication that a cycle has reached its successful completion. All the hard work and life lessons that have come are paying off and the querent is finding a sense of closure. It is a good time to celebrate the successes and start preparing for the journeys ahead. It can also indicate a time when the querent is in a good position to realize their place in the world and in the process they have just undergone. The World card may also mean that one’s emotions, mind, body, and spirit are all working together in a harmonious way. The card basically indicates success in whatever area the reading pertains to. It may, depending on other cards and positions indicate that one or two final blocks must be removed before the success can be realized. It can also indicate that a period of travelling the world lies ahead of the querent.
When the World is reversed or badly aspected, it may mean that the querent is standing in the way of their own success. Perhaps they are seeing or set limitations on themselves that get in the way of their completing what they have set out to do. Perhaps they have come to the final steps of their journey and then stopped either because of fear or lack of self-confidence. There are times when a person’s life has become so defined by the journey that they are on that the final steps become all too difficult because it means that they will have to find a new way to define their lives. Reversed the potential shown in the World trump is still there it is just blocked in some way. The querent can follow the example of the dancer on the card and just dance their way through pretending that the limitations are not there.
Fate’s Whisper:
Everything has an origin, Reality may have been an accident but it was a necessary one. After the Four Absolute Biases took their form they were unhinged and unpredictable. The fact is that reality only formed after the fourth and final one you could say is a miracle. This tale holds the truth of one of the first manifestations, one the Spider of fate tells all seekers who are willing to listen.
“We knew not of our power or purpose. Born of our biases’ will and not equipped with restraint we ran free. In my boredom, I was the fool who started it. It was my bias that started this war between us. To this day that war continues even if we four pillars are bound to the prison of our own making. I still do not regret my decision though, for all that came of this one selfish decision brought us purpose, pain, and pleasure.
The war gave birth to the place where our forms made a truce to protect reality and the life that resided within. Despite all our biases fighting for control, reality brought us together as comrades and family.
Young drakes that come to find your infinity, know that war may never stop but the passion that’s born of it holds the true essence of purity and manifestation.” — Infinity’s Voice
We will all create regardless of what we do. Like the Four Pillars before us conflict will come regardless of where we go. Use the energy you get from it and create your reality, after all the infinite is only the beginning.


NOTES ON: The World

(Potential   Realized)

Artist’s Notes:
The Sun has taken us about as far as we can go in terms of self-development on the physical plane of existence. Even in mundane terms, it indicates a pinnacle has been reached. What do you do when you reach that top point though? Do you rest on your laurels? Surely there is more to it than just striving to make it. Once we have made it, what do we do now? This is when we hear Judgement’s wake-up call and realize that there is a higher spiritual purpose and challenge that will utilize every skill and talent we have developed up until now and may even mean learning new ones. It is this call that answers the question of why and brings us to the fullest point of self-realization, and self-actualization. This is the call to ascension. Of course, that is assuming, we don’t hit the snooze button on the wake-up call.
About the Archetype:
With the Judgement or Aeon card, we find our purpose. With the World that purpose is realized. We have unified ourselves with our shadow, have discovered our potential, and have realized it. Now there is a new and fuller understanding of who we are and our place in the universe. The great journey has ended and there is a celebration. The limitations that we have placed on ourselves have been surpassed. We have greater insight into ourselves and the great dance continues.
However, the ending is the beginning of something, always. The dance never stops and there are always new goals to reach for and further self-discovery and realization to reach for. The Universe inevitably leads back to the Fool in a full circle and the journey forever begins anew (The Serpent with his tail in his mouth )
for what appears to be a circle is actually a spiral that never ends but continually evolves.
Astrological Correspondent:
Saturn (♄) – The Saturnian energy is that of the teacher. It gives us the life lessons we need in whatever sphere of influence it resides at the moment. Saturn shows us our limits and challenges us to face them and move beyond them. Saturn is also the ruler of time which in itself is a self-imposed limitation for most of us. It represents the wisdom of old age and the onset of maturity which can be thought of as the understanding of what it was all for. It governs to some extent personal responsibility and how well we live our ideals and principles and how well we communicate them through our actions.
The element of Earth(Earth)is also connected with The Universe trump. In astrology, the influence of Earth nurtures us and grounds us. It focuses on the practical and attainable while helping us to achieve more. The Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn) are all involved with achievements of a practical nature and of our responsibility in the maintenance of it.
In a Reading:
When the World card turns up in a reading, it is usually an indication that a cycle has reached its successful completion. All the hard work and life lessons that have come are paying off and the querent is finding a sense of closure. It is a good time to celebrate the successes and start preparing for the journeys ahead. It can also indicate a time when the querent is in a good position to realize their place in the world and in the process they have just undergone. The World card may also mean that one’s emotions, mind, body, and spirit are all working together in a harmonious way. The card basically indicates success in whatever area the reading pertains to. It may, depending on other cards and positions indicate that one or two final blocks must be removed before the success can be realized. It can also indicate that a period of travelling the world lies ahead of the querent.
When the World is reversed or badly aspected, it may mean that the querent is standing in the way of their own success. Perhaps they are seeing or set limitations on themselves that get in the way of their completing what they have set out to do. Perhaps they have come to the final steps of their journey and then stopped either because of fear or lack of self-confidence. There are times when a person’s life has become so defined by the journey that they are on that the final steps become all too difficult because it means that they will have to find a new way to define their lives. Reversed the potential shown in the World trump is still there it is just blocked in some way. The querent can follow the example of the dancer on the card and just dance their way through pretending that the limitations are not there.
Fate’s Whisper:
There is a saying that dragons pass to each generation.
“Every being faces a unique Judgement. There is no hell or heaven just the convergence of all your actions and ripples.”
The Four Pillars are no different. Bound like beasts to energy sacred pillars, they act on behalf of energy’s will. In turn, they must set an example of what it means to follow balance. The idea that every being can hear energy’s will is instilled in them. To follow one’s heart, leading everyone to ascend their natural infinity.
Always make the choices that feel right to you. In the eyes of energy’s will, nothing is taboo. The most significant breach of balance is the act of betraying one’s own heart and intuition. So follow your heart regardless of how others feel. After all your judgement day has nothing to do with them. Till then fly free. Judgement day awaits you at the end.



(Potential Raised)


Artist’s Notes on Card:
The Sun has taken us about as far as we can go in terms of self-development on the physical plane of existence. Even in mundane terms, it indicates a pinnacle has been reached.  What do you do when you reach that top point though? Do you rest on your laurels?  Surely there is more to it than just striving to make it. Once we have made it, what do we do now? This is when we hear Judgement’s wake-up call and realize that there is a higher spiritual purpose and challenge that will utilize every skill and talent we have developed up until now and may even mean learning new ones. It is this call that answers the question of why and brings us to the fullest point of self-realization,  and self-actualization. This is the call to ascension. Of course, that is assuming, we don’t hit the snooze button on the wake-up call.
About the Archetype:
Up to now, the Major Arcana has been about reconciling the self in one form or another. The Sun marked the final resolution and combination of ourselves with our shadows. The Aeon or Judgement shows the awakening or calling to a higher purpose that comes afterwards. In earlier periods, this card was called Judgement and depicted the biblical calling forth from the graves at the blowing of the angel Gabriel’s horn. This had the implication that one had to die and be reborn in order to receive this higher calling. With the coming of a new era, it is known that life is ever regenerating and renewing and that Death is illusory. We are constantly undergoing transformation and being reborn. Thus the card’s new title reflects the age we live in now.
The word Aeon itself means a distinct period. This card reflects that in our lives we have personal Aeons as well as universal ones. Periods that can be clearly demarcated from one another usually by some transformative event such as getting married, coming out, changing careers or changing philosophies of life. We may even think of it in these terms. This was who I was in that period. This is who I am now. During those years I was someone else. In reality, these changes usually happen more gradually over a period of time but usually, there is one moment of realization or some event that we use that reflects the transition. It is these transformative events to which Aeon trump refers. That spiritual awakening that once had, can never be reversed.
This can be a time of tremendous upheaval in our lives. Change is seldom easy or without consequence. Yet very few butterflies complain that they are no longer caterpillars nor can we stay in the cocoon beyond a certain point no matter how much we may fear the transition.
Astrological Correspondent:
The Judgement or Aeon card is normally attributed to the element of Fire with some newer decks attributing it to Pluto. Bernd Merck, in his book Astrologie und Tarot, took a look at the Major Arcana in light of the discoveries of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto and forged his own correspondences based on his understanding of Astrology.
Pisces is an interesting and somewhat inspired choice for Judgement. After all don’t most major awakenings that we go through, start in the unconscious mind? There is also the connection of Pisces with the concept of Resurrection and it seems almost obvious, especially given the Christian (Gabriel blowing his horn calling the dead to life) symbolism that is normally depicted on the card.
In a Reading:
When Judgement turns up in a reading, it may indicate that the querent is feeling a calling towards doing something more or greater in their lives than they have up to this point. It may come after events have shaken up their lives and it is the realization that with new insights that they have, they cannot go on living the same way they have been. The querent may have the idea that a shift has happened and that they need to actualize it in their lives. This can feel earth-shattering but empowering as well. These changes will not be easy but there will be a propelling forward as if once their intent is set out, things will fall into place and at the end of it they will have a new life. The card may also indicate a respite after a very confusing period, one in which the querent can find healing and support.
When reversed, Judgement’s call is still felt, it is resisted by the querent, however. Sometimes this may come from a feeling of unworthiness. It almost always comes from fear. It may be fear of change or it may be fear that one’s new life may not be acceptable to their family or loved ones. The querent may be closing their eyes tightly saying “No, nothing has changed, nothing has changed.” Yet something once seen cannot be unseen and the force of the Aeon is so strong that it has caused changes in how the querent sees themselves and the world around them. The outer change will follow in time no matter how strongly resisted.
Fate’s Whisper:
There is a saying that dragons pass to each generation.
“Every being faces a unique Judgement. There is no hell or heaven just the convergence of all your actions and ripples.”
The Four Pillars are no different. Bound like beasts to energize sacred pillars, they act on behalf of energies will. In turn, they must set an example of what it means to follow balance. The idea that every being can hear energy’s will is instilled in them. Following one’s heart and will lead everyone to ascend their natural infinity.
Always make the choices that feel right to you. In the eyes of energy’s will, nothing is taboo. The most significant breach of balance is the act of betraying one’s own heart and intuition. So follow your heart regardless of how others feel. After all your judgement day has nothing to do with them. Till then fly free. Judgement day awaits you at the end.


Four Pillar Society Tarot: The Sun


(Heavenly Aspiration)

Artist’s Notes :
The Moon with her lessons taught has set and a new day has begun. Everything seems so much clearer now. Blindingly clear, as a matter of fact. I hear tell in mythology about the silver apples of the moon and the golden apples of the sun but then the golden apples lead us to  Eris, the goddess of chaos and discord. Slighted by a forgotten invitation she rolled her apple into the halls of goddesses, a golden one with the word “Kallisti” on it (For the most beautiful). Several of the goddesses and probably more than a few of the gods started arguing to whom it rightfully belonged. They decided to hold a pageant and selected Pari s to be the judge of which goddess was indeed the fairest. As a reward, he got whatever he wanted and he chose Helen of Troy and so started the Trojan War.
What an amazing feeling to know that you can have anything that you want and indeed on a beautiful sunny day, that is exactly how it feels. Of course, the curse of getting what you want tends to be twofold. Once you get what you once wanted. Two, you have to live with the consequences. But let’s ignore that right now and just adore that beautiful golden light.
About the Archetype:
After the long dark night, we have the Sun. The shadows resolve themselves as we see that we are the ones who have cast them in the first place. The Sun trump means that on many levels we have reached and integrated our shadow selves and are able to live realized and complete lives of joy and laughter. It does not mean necessarily that we have realized what it is we must do with our new understanding. That comes later. It means tho that we have everything in perspective in a truly golden moment. We see ourselves as spiritual beings with a strong central core of self and with that understanding very little can phase us. We have regained our inner sense of innocence. it is not by coincidence that most portrayals of this card show garden imagery as in a sense we have regained the garden and can now play both with child-like wonder and renewed understanding of who we are.
It is good to remember though that the sun at once illuminates and blinds. In showing us just how wonderful the world of manifestation can be, it can blind us to what lies beyond.
Astrological Correspondent:
The Sun (☉) – Essentially the Astrological Sun is who we are at the core of our being. It might not be the self we show externally to the world or even ourselves, that is the ascendant. The Sun is our central nature, our core being. It is this reason why so many people, guided by newspaper and magazine columns tend to believe that their sun sign is the be-all and end-all of the astrological influences. Other planets govern such things as our aspirations, who and what we love and fight for, our desires, and our dreams but our Sun is our basic identity.
The sun influences our health and vitality. It is connected with royalty and with one’s paternal influence. It also has an influence on our personal leadership style.
In a Reading:
When the Sun comes out in a reading, it indicates a time in the querent’s life where they are filled with confidence and the Sun is truly shining. It seems like even things that would normally be distressing are taken in their stride. Laughter and abundance are present and realized. This may often come after a time of confusion when the positive aspects of life were difficult to realize. The Sun is always shining even when there is the illusion of night. If the Sun shows up in a past position it may, depending on the other cards mean either that the querent is trying to recapture that positive feeling or has let themselves be thrown by whatever has come up that is obscuring that sun. In a future position, it may easily mean that good times are ahead even if it doesn’t feel that way in the present. There is clarity and simplicity associated with the Sun card. The Sun may also mean that the querent has realized or will realize a new level of understanding and insight as if they have been handed a new key to understanding. The Sun may have the simple mundane meaning of travelling to warmer, sunnier climates.
When the Sun is reversed or badly aspected, the positive energy is still present, tho the querent cannot see it. Either worry about the outcome of the present situation or lack of self-confidence may be obscuring the view. This may happen because the querent is overcomplicating the situation and jumping at shadows. Perhaps what is missing for the querent is clarity and some inner work is needed to allow the sunlight in. The inverse sun may also indicate that the querent is being too optimistic and Polyanna-like in their view of things and they are missing things that they should be paying attention to. It may also mean that the querent needs to simplify their lives and remove things that are blocking their sunlight and causing undue complications and stress. Perhaps they need to go within and meditate on what’s positive in their lives so they can see it more clearly.
Fate’s Whisper:
It started with a bang. One instant every minor energy bias fought for power, the next they were given life and form. Though it was never intentional, the reality was born from the clash of the four absolute biases. This would become the first form of worship as each bias had its inner void filled by this act. To show their appreciation they offered to help this new balance prevail. Some energy sought this through destruction others chose creation. With all these moving forces it became impossible to see it all.
This sense of blindness we all start with is but the first of many double edge swords. while the radiance is nice it can blind us to the subtle parts of our growth. The glory and praise feel good after an eternity of torture but can make one soft if left in excess. What will you do with your moment? Shine or Stagnate?


Four Pillars Society Tarot: The Moon (ii)


(Guiding Shadows)

Artist’s Notes:
In this card, Diana’s Full figure and a shadow animal to guide us on the path. You look out at the waters and all manner of illusions can be seen half-cloaked in shadow. Yet still, if you trust your guide you will learn things from this night’s journey. The funny thing is that we can learn as much from the appearance that things take as we can from what they actually are, perhaps even more. After all, are they not cloaked in the guise of our own inner symbolism and language? If we do not understand the language of our unconscious, then how can we learn how to manipulate it? This key to inner knowledge may be the greatest gift of the Moon archetype.
About the Archetype:
At night, by the light of the Moon (particularly when it’s waning), we can see a lot less of our external surroundings than we can by daylight. Things appear shadowed and hazy and any light may seem blinding. Our imaginations have full play and we try to fill in the darkened spaces with a combination of intuition and imagination. What we see and how we interpret it can tell us a lot about ourselves if we are open to it. The Moon in this way illuminates our interior selves.
The Moon trump shows us our fears and dark desires. It can give us a deep understanding of our hidden longings or it can send us reeling into insanity, beset by fears and emotional demons that we have repressed and refused to face. When we find ourselves least able to cope with this psychic and emotional shitstorm, the best that we can do is endure, knowing that night inevitably gives way today.
When talking about the greater cycle of the Fool’s Journey or the Great Work, the Moon comes at a time when we have bravely made it through most of our shadow work, and what’s left is some of the really dark repressed stuff that we were not yet ready to face. Under the influence of the Moon it becomes revealed and with courage, will, and endurance we will survive.
Astrological Correspondent:
Pisces(♓︎)-Pisces is an inward-dwelling intuitive energy. It lives in its dreams and then brings them to the surface. Like an iceberg, three-quarters of what Pisces feels is hidden and it prefers it that way. Pisces is sensitive and compassionate and feels things deeply both for himself and others. This can sometimes lead to self-pity or an over-sympathetic approach.
Pisces would rather face happy dreams than unhappy reality. When it sees external life falling short of its dreams it tends to withdraw or may indulge in self-destructive behaviour. It looks for direction from other more self-directed energies. The Piscean energy can all too easily lose its identity as it takes on the characteristics of those it admires or who can get them through the stormy seas. It is self-sacrificing in the extreme and this can lead to loss of self as well. Pisces is ruled by Neptune and is mutable in its ways.
In a Reading:
When the Moon shows up in a reading it may indicate that the querent cannot see the way ahead clearly and needs to trust their intuition rather than logic to find their way.  The card may mean that the querent is beset by fears and imagining the worst in everything and everyone. Everything that once seemed bright may seem dark now. This is what many refer to as the dark night of the soul. When one is going through this, the best advice may be to just endure it until it’s over. There is value in seeing what one’s fears are and daylight will come eventually. Sometimes one has to feel the feelings until they stop and then move forward.
The Moon may also be telling the querent that they need to trust their intuition even if they don’t feel that they can see things clearly. They need to accept what their perceptions are and move beyond them, as difficult as that may sound. When one has lost their way in the woods, it is not what they imagine that matters but what signposts they can find that will lead them out.
The card may also mean that the querent is dealing with emotional issues that they have been repressing.
The reversed or badly aspected Moon may be telling us that we need to learn how to better discern between our intuition and our imagination. Things may be seeming a bit brighter and they may be seeing things more as they are and less how they fear them to be. It may mean that they are struggling against integrating recent lessons about themselves into their life and regressing a bit. The Reversed Moon may indicate that the querent is caught up in a frenzy of day-to-day activity to avoid taking a good look at emotions and thoughts that they are repressing. The card may also mean that someone has their psychic channels activated but due to their own lack of clarity is unable to distinguish between what’s real and what’s an illusion.
Fate’s Whisper:
Vicious echos assault our minds every moment we live. These can be traumas, fears, and many other things. These can manifest horrors that mean tearing us down from the inside where no one can help us. These forces were made to empower us by breaking away the parts we no longer need. This process, very rarely, can be pleasant but most of the time it will tear us down.
Many will only realize this year if not decades after the fact. The idea we shed our skin to grow into our greater selves is very important. It is this realization that we are that much stronger that empowers us up to unfathomable heights. Who are you to your shadow? Master or slave?

Four Pillars Society Tarot: The Moon (I)


 (Crone’s Moon)

Artist’s  Notes:
The Star’s energy has healed us and now we pushed forward. Having been through trials, we move forward with confidence that we can survive what will come our way but a bit more carefully, with a heightened awareness of what goes on around us. The moon lends some illumination, yet it is the darkening moon that Hekate lends her aspect towards, waning towards full dark. We see shapes that are indistinct and our mind plays tricks. Symbols appear before us and we must interpret them in ways that we can comprehend.
There is an advantage to moving in dim moonlight as opposed to the sun’s full light, however. The sun has a blinding reality that is hard to move past wherein the moon’s shadow we may find symbolic knowledge that reveals while it conceals as we learn what each new encounter may add to our path.
About the Archetype:
At night, by the light of the Moon (particularly when it’s waning), we can see a lot less of our external surroundings than we can by daylight. Things appear shadowed and hazy and any light may seem blinding. Our imaginations have full play and we try to fill in the darkened spaces with a combination of intuition and imagination. What we see and how we interpret it can tell us a lot about ourselves if we are open to it. The Moon in this way illuminates our interior selves.
The Moon trump shows us our fears and dark desires. It can give us deep understanding of our hidden longings or it can send us reeling into insanity, beset by fears and emotional demons that we have repressed and refused to face. When we find ourselves least able to cope with this psychic and emotional shitstorm, the best that we can do is endure, knowing that night inevitably gives way today.
When talking about the greater cycle of the Fool’s Journey or the Great Work, the Moon comes at a time when we have bravely made it through most of our shadow work, and what’s left is some of the really dark repressed stuff that we were not yet ready to face. Under the influence of the Moon it becomes revealed and with courage, will, and endurance we will survive.
Astrological Correspondent:
Pisces(♓︎)-Pisces is an inward-dwelling intuitive energy. It lives in its dreams and then brings them to the surface. Like an iceberg, three-quarters of what Pisces feels is hidden and it prefers it that way. Pisces is sensitive and compassionate and feels things deeply both for himself and others. This can sometimes lead to self-pity or an over-sympathetic approach.
Pisces would rather face happy dreams than unhappy reality. When it sees external life falling short of its dreams it tends to withdraw or may indulge in self-destructive behaviour. It looks for direction from other more self-directed energies. The Piscean energy can all too easily lose its identity as it takes on the characteristics of those it admires or who can get them through the stormy seas. It is self-sacrificing in the extreme and this can lead to loss of self as well. Pisces is ruled by Neptune and is mutable in its ways.
In a Reading:
When the Moon shows up in a reading it may indicate that the querent is living in their imaginations quite a bit. This can be very positive if they are finding a way to express their imagination but can also have the negative connotation of jumping at shadows. The card may mean that the querent is beset by fears and imagining the worst in everything and everyone. Everything that once seemed bright may seem dark now. This is what many refer to as the dark night of the soul. When one is going through this, the best advice may be to just endure it until it’s over. There is value in seeing what one’s fears are and daylight will come eventually. Sometimes one has to feel the feelings until they stop and then move forward.
The Moon may also be telling the querent that they need to trust their intuition even if they don’t feel that they can see things clearly. They need to accept what their perceptions are and move beyond them, as difficult as that may sound. When one has lost their way in the woods, it is not what they imagine that matters but what signposts they can find that will lead them out.
The card may also mean that the querent is dealing with emotional issues that they have been repressing.
The reversed or badly aspected Moon may mean that the querent is recovering from a period of emotional stress and delusion. Things may be seeming a bit brighter and they may be seeing things more as they are and less how they fear them to be. It may mean that they are struggling against integrating recent lessons about themselves into their life and regressing a bit. The Reversed Moon may indicate that the querent is caught up in a frenzy of day-to-day activity to avoid taking a good look at emotions and thoughts that they are repressing. The card may also mean that someone has their psychic channels activated but due to their own lack of clarity is unable to distinguish between what’s real and what’s an illusion.
Fate’s Whisper:
There was a time when witches ruled the mundane world. They would rule with their iron grip and punish any who opposed them. It was only ended when a Faction called the Hunters appeared. They hunted and reminded the witches of the fear they once abandoned in their cruel reign. However, instead of making the same mistake they vanished and chose to protect the balance from the shadows.
Many of us will have our ruling ego that will run unchecked. It can be both external and internal. However, balancing of that ego is one of the most challenging things one can undertake. It takes a great level of integrity to realize how to apply that ego to ourselves in a healthy manner. How are you in regard to your hidden ego?


Four Pillars Society Tarot: The Star


 (Healing Starts With a Cry)

Artist’s Notes :
How do you express it when your world comes crashing down around you and you start to doubt everything you know? Do you play the stoic and say “it’s just a flesh wound ma’am” and soldier on, allowing your wounds to fester as long as no one can see your pain? Do you get angry and rage at the world, driving people away from you until you either expire or heal? What would happen if you tried neither of those things but cried out your honest pain and need for solace to the universe?
Other beings tend to respond to actual need and honest emotion, not only on the physical but on the higher planes as well. There is a grace that can be found when we have truly hit our dark night of the soul. Sometimes all it takes to see that grace and that healing is to admit to the need for it.
True healing always begins with admission and understanding of how deep the wound is.
About the Archetype:
When we get hit by the Tower force, it is devastating. Much that we believed was true has turned out to be false and we don’t know what’s left. At our lowest point, we can hear a voice telling us that it’s going to be ok. We still have our essential selves and can rebuild. If we are open to it, we feel a sense of hope and renewal. Even if we have gone through the fire, we can make it and come back stronger than ever. It is then that we feel the healing energy of the Star. It is known in many cultures as the idea of grace or hope and was the last thing left in Pandora’s box after she let loose the evils of mankind.
The Star inspires us when we are at our lowest. It puts us back in tune with ourselves and allows us to feel once more a part of life. It is a feminine energy that liberates us from our despair and shows us that there are still positive and worthwhile things in life and that love is possible. At times we may feel resistant to the Star’s energy but it is always there.
Astrological Correspondent:
Aquarius(♒︎)-Aquarius is the energy of social justice and change. It wants to make the world and the people in it better. Symbolized by the water bearer Aquarius wishes to pour its healing waters onto the earth, starting new discussions and finding new paradigms. Aquarius is very interested in group dynamics, realizing that while one person can make a difference, it takes a concerted effort to effect change.
The Aquarian energy may also be a stubborn one with little patience for opposing viewpoints and methods. It also becomes bored with anything that is routine or that has been done before. Aquarius would much rather innovate better methods to solve problems. Aquarius is unsell-conscious in its approaches to just about anything and wants nothing more than freedom of self-expression. This self-expression can be anything from physical nudity to visionary art to inventing new devices that will enable mankind in new ways.
Aquarius’s somewhat aloof manner may be off-putting to some but this comes from living mainly within its own very active head ever looking to strengthen the flow of new ideas and new intuitions.
In a Reading:
When the Star turns up in a reading, it normally indicates a time of healing and renewal on all levels. It is often that this healing comes after a period of extreme turmoil as in the kind suggested by the Tower card. The Star is a card that signifies the grace of the universe and is a time when intuition is flowing and things look somehow better and brighter than they did before. The card can often signify a transformative time and a time of reinvention of oneself. The Star is often telling the querent to be open to the energies coming in and to the personal changes that one is making. It is all too easy to resist making the changes necessary but it will never be easier. It may also be telling the querent that they need to go back to basics or where they were before the previous upheavals happened in their lives. Take what they have and as long as they have their own being, they have quite a lot and build from there. The Star may also be telling the querent that they can turn things around before disaster strikes if they are willing to drop back and accept the needed lesson beforehand.
Reversed or Badly Aspected, the healing energy of the Star is still present. The querent tho is blocking it for some reason. Possibly in their minds, they feel unworthy to receive this grace because of their actions in the previous period. Perhaps they are so filled with bitterness and anger that they are not allowing the healing to happen. If anyone deserves another chance in their lives then everyone does and the healing of the goddess (or the universe if you will) is open to all. It may be that the querent fears beginning again, particularly in the aspect of opening themselves up to the possibility of new failure. The reversed Star may mean that the past with all of its disappointments has become more of a focus than the possibility of building a new future.
Fate’s Whisper:
The origins of the stars are said to be the fragments of the dragons who die to the first use of the Word of Power Death. To escape their demise they shattered their entire being and scattered far and wide. Though deep down each dragon wanted to be whole once more.
Each becomes a star to guide their own to become whole once more.
Everyone will fall to their mistakes at one point or another. What matters at that point is standing up once more and learning what went wrong. So what have you done to begin healing once more?