Freeing the Pictures That Live Inside My Mind


“Open your mind and let the pictures out”
― William S. Burroughs


When my imagination runs free, then the colours and shapes combine and I see images emerge. I midwife these designs and so create (or would transmit be a more apt word) art. When I still my inner voice, than I hear whisperings, word imagines full of nuance and song and the poetry dances before me. First tho there has to be an opening and a surrendering to the muse who then lets me have my way. First tho I have to find my silence and open my mind, my heart and my soul so that the talent can funnel through.
Blessings, G


Click on images to see full-sized:


Rose Quartz ChamberRose Quartz Chamber by G A Rosenberg


Portal4bPortal by G A Rosenberg


0 thoughts on “Freeing the Pictures That Live Inside My Mind”

  1. I started painting through “automatic painting”. My teachers and guides from other dimensions led me through several years of painting that way. Since then, I have learned enough to take 95% responsibility in front of the canvas, but if I get stuck or need advice they are always there. For many years I resisted signing my own works because I was not “alone” in creating them. It all started with “a voice” telling me to go into town and buy painting supplies and equipment … I was going to learn to paint as part of my healing process and spiritual growth. I remember standing in front of the easel, feeling like a complete fool and then my teacher began the instructions … guiding my arm, talking to me all the while. Soon I had produced several paintings and one day I was told that I would have my first exhibition. I protested but was told to just “do it”. I was then channeled a long list of things to do in connection with the exhibition, and suddenly one day found myself at an art gallery run by a shaman. The exhibition took place, everything on the list magically happened and the exhibition was on the news on six different tv channels with hundreds of visitors at the opening. I have also channeled jewelry, and it was a well-known Ascended Master who encouraged me to start writing.

    1. Fantastic!!! I feel a great deal of the time that my art comes through me rather than from me…Definitely a collaborative approach

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