Tarot Post – The Tower


XVI-The Tower (♂)


Tower (F)The Tower by G A Rosenberg


Lightning crashes down
Tower’s illusions shattered
Will We build anew?


Expectations smashed
and hopes demolished
Cast down,
I didn’t read the small print.
I built my house of cards on shaky ground
and fall as it fell.
Amazing how you can convince yourself
you know what’s real
while shrouded with illusion
ignoring all warning signs
until struck down.
I lay among the wreckage and
prepare to rebuild
more experienced and perhaps wiser.
— G A Rosenberg


For many of us, our lives are akin to a house of cards. We build them up based on how we believe life to work, adding card to card higher and higher. Since at least some of our assumptions are mistaken however, the houses (or towers) that compose our lives tends to be unstable. As we build higher and higher, the instability increases until finally there is an inevitable collapse. This may result in our relationships or jobs falling apart or some kind of loss. We have met the Tower force full on.
The Tower is a wakeup call from the universe that can show us exactly where our false assumptions have been. From the perspective of spiritual growth, it is one of the most positive cards that we can get. Wouldn’t we rather live our lives in accordance with our truest highest self (our true will) as opposed to what we believe we want in any given moment?
The question is after the collapse what do we do? Do we rebuild according to a more experienced view of reality or do we continue to make the same mistakes over and over only to face another collapse? Most of us tend to repeat the same cycles until we grow tired of having to clean up after our own messes.


Astrological Correspondence-Mars(♂)-Mars is the planet that influences our passions. This passion can be creative or destructive. It can be incredibly sexual as Mars is the planet of sexual energy. It can also be martial as Mars is the planet of war. In an esoteric sense the Mars energy involves the sacrifice of our spirit to incarnate into the physical as well as the desire to release that energy back into the higher planes. Mars has that tendency to push us to destroy that which is more illusory for that which is more real and vital. In the rulership of Aries, that creative pushing forward energy can be seen and in the rulership of Scorpio, that push towards the death of the personality and the rebirth into a more spiritual higher form. Mars also influences the vitality of the physical body particularly the bloodstream. Mars provides that passionate vital spark that energizes us to go after what we want most either in a way that will enliven us or as the moth towards the flame.


Runic Correspondence-Hagalaz(“Hail”)hagalaz
Hagalaz translates to hail and the rune tends to come up when it feels like life is hailing on us. While there is a destructive aspect to it, it is more of a destruction of past patterns that no longer serve us. It is definitely more of a short term rather than a lengthy period of disaster. Hagalaz also enables us to do shadow work and confront those sides of ourselves that left hidden may very well end up being a disruptive influence in our lives. Other runes associated with The Tower trump are Yr and Fehu.


Path on the Tree of Life-Path 27-Peh-The translation of Peh is mouth. We use our mouths to manifest thoughts and ideas which later on we concretize into material reality. Many of us have had occasion where we wrote checks with our mouths, spoken intentions that we were unable to actualize and paid the price for it. This path which connects the sephiroth of Netzach (“Victory”) with Hod (“Splendour”) tends to balance out our words with our actions usually with a fierce reminder. This path represents the destruction of the false personality. It dispels the illusion between how we present ourselves even to ourselves and who we truly are. Just as we use our mouths both to speak and to take in nourishment, Peh can also galvanize us into action in a very real way, usually by forcing us out of our own inertia. This path is known as the Exciting Intelligence.


When the Tower turns up in a reading, it normally indicates turmoil in the querent’s life. Usually this comes when they have been living their life under a series of false assumption, such as the stability of their job and/or relationships and life is handing them a wake-up call. It could mean that they have been approaching a particular problem in a certain way under the false assumption that it has been working only to find out that while it may have worked in the short term, in the long term things have proven disastrous. The good news is that this destructive force has given the querent the chance to find a new more reality based approach that will work better. The card may also mean that the disaster has not happened yet but is approaching and it might be a good idea for the querent to take a look at how they are approaching things. Are they perceiving what is really going on or are they working on the assumption that all is well and ignoring the warning signs?
The Tower can also mean that the querent is receiving or is about to receive a call to wake up to a deeper reality than they have known up to this point. They may be on the brink of a peak experience or about to receive news that will make them see their lives in a totally different way. This may also feel destructive but sometimes you have to destroy in order to build.


When the Tower comes out reversed, it may mean either that the disaster that the Tower force has brought into their lives has not been a total one or that they have started rebuilding their lives back up under the same set of false assumptions on which they have build before. This is often seen in patterns of abusive relationships where the person finds the same type of partner who has abused them before, convinced that this time will be different. The reversed Tower can also mean that the querent keeps ‘shoring up’ the problem areas rather than facing what may be causing them in the first place therefore putting off the inevitable collapse. The reversed card also may mean that by proper action, the querent may be able to avoid disaster altogether if they act quickly and honestly.


One Way to A Better World


“Our minds are information vacuums. Either we fill them with thoughts of our choosing or someone else will.”
― Ray Davis


I have been paying way too much attention to various sources of news and world events in the last month or two. Not that I think it a bad idea to be informed about what’s going on but wow there’s a lot of Fear Uncertainty and Doubt (FUD) being thrown around out there. At any given time we are supposed to be fearful of various terrorist groups, various other governments, our own governments, the illuminati (most of the variations of it that you hear about because no two people who talk about the illuminati seem to have the same idea what it is), radiation leaking out of Japan into the ocean, fluoride, science, various practitioners of various religions, various members of various political parties, the police and a disease or two. Wow there just does not seem to be enough time in the day to be worried about it all so it seems we have to pick and choose. Hmmmm I choose none of the above.
What? Not be scared or upset or traumatized by any of it? How can I be so apathetic? Well the simple answer is I’m not. Of all of those things I’ve listed, there is a percentage that I can personally affect. Some of them I do either directly or through donations to support others that do. Other things I can’t affect personally. What is the number of concerns I can change through fear and worry?. Let’s see zero divided by zero, carry the zero and add zero. That would be zero things I can affect in the world by either being worried myself or spreading FUD. Minds cluttered by fear aren’t good for much else. I would rather focus on creative and practical solutions. Well that and working on my own self-development. If enough people did that, it may catch on. A world in which the majority of people focused on becoming better people and taking responsibility for their own messes would be a damned sight better than the one we live in now. It also would be a world with far fewer things to be concerned about.
Blessings, G


Click on images to see full-sized:


In Silent OrchestrationIn Silent Orchestration by G A Rosenberg


Ripling Opelesque ExpansionRippling Opalesque Expansion by G A Rosenberg


The Life of Trees


“The tree which moves some to tears of joy is in the eyes of others only a green thing that stands in the way. Some see nature all ridicule and deformity… and some scarce see nature at all. But to the eyes of the man of imagination, nature is imagination itself.”
William Blake


strange when you look at trees and meditate beneath them, they take on a life of their own.
It’s difficult to see two with their roots wrapped around each other without imagining them uniting sexually
In a state of eternal bliss.






tho it is in the glow of the sun set that I get the most enjoyment. As the light fades to be replaced by the different life of the nighttime





Muddy Water Clearing – Fragments and Contemplations

“Muddy water, let stand, becomes clear.”
–Lao Tsu


Sitting here in the woods under the twisted snake tree. It’s been a day of contemplation, meditation, walking and getting necessities and reading “Time Fate and Spider Magic” by Orryelle Defenestrate-Bascule.
So far it’s been a pretty amazing contemplation on time, fate, archetypes, esoteric symbolism and many other things written well with
Style and wit. I find myself taking notes in a poetic style that veers off from the book.
These few days are for letting the mud settle tho or at least churning it a bit for different colour and flavour
I let my mind wander where it will and in meditation see clear roads ahead and a non distressed lady in distress lying in the dirt inviting aid or discourse. Such are dreams.
I mentioned poetic notes and here in hope that those who read will enjoy I include them in this rather stream if consciousness ramble.


Relative speeds
Of children and trees
Of hunger and needs
Of eggs and of seeds
Mediate and meditate
And spend the timeless moment
Stem the tides of nature


Spider web and serpent time
Fate weaving its web along snake’s twisted corridors


I play in shadow in the long woods
Ritual dance among the trees and growth
Fire water and air bring the others
Who dance amid my own castings


my thoughts continue to form but some nice family time is happening. Tomorrow perhaps the dirt will settle and my rambling snore clear.


IMG_2451-0.JPGA View from in Tent

IMG_2434.JPGthe serpent tree

IMG_2447.JPGCrane in the water


Deliberating on Living Deliberately

I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately…
–Henry David Thoreau


and here I sit in woodlands in a campground in Washington deliberating and contemplating what it means to live deliberately and consciously withy family.
The bay is beautiful and it is quiet here lit by the campfire and by the butane torch.
Lately I have been feeling very good about artistic adventures but the next few days will be about family and friends and bonding. It won’t be much about blogging tho I may check in a time or two.
Blessings, G




Tarot Post – The Devil


XV-The Devil (♑︎)


The Devil (F)The Devil by G A Rosenberg


Rampant Creation
I Embrace in ecstasy
all that I perceive


Glory glimpsed then returned
Descend to mortal flesh
Can I escape and see again
what lies beyond?
If not, can I learn to love this world
the sensation of sensation
each breath, each sight, each sound delighting me
and you, beauty and heat
besides me in the dark
also chained yet not caring,
Food we have, drink, sustenance
that we give and take from each other
along with our energy building
the circle closes but not of our chains
but our freedom
and it all feels so good
Come with me and we shall escape…
in mounting joy.
Stay with me
and let us indulge
and transcend…
— G A Rosenberg


It makes sense that for many the Devil is a frightening card. It speaks of vice and temptation and excess and being chained by your own desires. While the card can mean that for some in reality it is the representation of Pan and the pure enjoyment fulfilment and use of the sensory world in all of its aspects. Many of us fear the desires and kinks that we carry around and bury them deep. We can all too easily become so terrified by our shadow selves that we repress ourselves and hide them away. Repression is the true trap for something that is too contained cannot expand and pressure builds up until it explodes uncontrollably. By enjoying ourselves and the world around us to its fullest and by deciding when and how we explore our temptations we give ourselves room to grow. The Devil tells us that we are material beings with a sensual nature and that we should delight in this. Our physicality is not something we need to transcend but a valuable tool in our arsenal. It is when we are incarnate that we can best grow and evolve. Learning to channel the carnal material energy that we have can lead us farther than denial ever can. It is only through the physical that we can bring the forces of our subconscious and superconscious into full awareness and manifestation. It is a force of responsibility because if we go to excess, it is up to us to recover and go forward.


Astrological Correspondences-Capricorn(♑︎)-Much like the goat that is its symbol, the Capricorn energy leaps to the top of whatever field it is involved in. In material matters it is hard-working, ambitious and practical and has no problem making it over any obstacles in its way to get to where its going. It may be considered a ruthless energy in some ways tho Capricorn is always willing to take responsibility for its actions. Spiritually (for Capricorn while grounded has an extreme spiritual aspect and has the ability to manifest its spiritual goals) Capricorn will do the work necessary to reach the heights and the depths with a keen appreciation for every stop along the way. Capricorn has a competitive side and likes to win. It can tend towards the conservative side but uses whatever it needs to get to where it wishes to go. The Capricorn energy is very sexual side and again there it knows how to get what it wants. It’s planetary ruler is Saturn which in its slow moving way gives Capricorn both patience and an awareness of limitations it must overcome


Runic Correspondences-Nauthiz(“Need”)nauthizThe Nauthiz rune talks of need and specifically in context man’s need for and love/hate relationship with fire. Fire is a useful tool but used badly it can burn destructively much like our own sexual and spiritual nature. If we are open to our needs then we can satisfy them in a practical and productive way and use them to better understand our natures. If we repress them or let them go out of control then they can end up burning us badly. Other runes associated with the Devil card are Fehu and Eolh


Path on the Tree of Life-Path 26-Ayin-Ayin translates as eye. It is the path of renewal and brings an influx of energy into conscious awareness. We see with both eyes what we have and what we are and what we are not. By going beyond the dualities of good and evil, black and white, god and devil, angel and demon, self and non-self we can evolve. Ayin connects the sephiroth of Tiphareth (“Beauty”) and Hod (“Majesty”, Intellect”) and takes us beyond our ordered intellectual beings to our solar (soul) selves that is beyond the separations our minds employ for rational understanding Ayin is known as the renewing consciousness.


When the Devil turns up in a reading, it can often indicate that one is facing the shadow side of themselves. Perhaps they are feeling tempted by desires they are uncomfortable with. It is only by understanding the need and how to satisfy it that the querent can move past it. The Devil may also indicate that a relationship that the querent finds themselves in may be damaging in some way tho it is very enticing. Perhaps it is with someone with an air of danger or ‘the forbidden’ to the querent. At the very least it may mean dangerous to them tho danger is not always a bad thing and can often be an amazing learning experience. The card may also refer to a feeling of being trapped or constrained by either circumstances or desires. This feeling is somewhat delusional and may be a way of the querent avoiding taking responsibility for their own actions when they can release themselves at any time by making the decision to do so and following through with it. Another meaning of the Devil is obsession or focusing on one area at the expense of others. Excess may lead to wisdom or loss, it is up to the querent.


When the Devil turns out reversed, it often is asking the querent if what they currently have in their lives is what they want. They may be coming to an understanding of how they are trapped by their addictions and desires and are preparing to throw off their chains. The reversed card can also mean that the querent is ready to end a relationship that feels destructive. They may be understanding more and more how illusory that feeling of being trapped or constrained by another person in their lives is. It may also be a realization that they have been over-indulging in some area of their lives and it is time to put it aside for awhile. The Inversed Devil may also mean that it is time for the querent to detach.


Break the Chains of the Past


“Be not the slave of your own past – plunge into the sublime seas, dive deep, and swim far, so you shall come back with new self-respect, with new power, and with an advanced experience that shall explain and overlook the old.”
― Ralph Waldo Emerson


We’ve all made mistakes in our past. We’ve done things we wish we hadn’t or let people use us and didn’t feel good about it afterwards. Yes, I say let them because we always have a choice in the matter and most often even if we deny it on some level we knew what we were doing and were complicit. Yet do we refuse to trust again or refuse to act again because of our past or do we take the plunge and move on. To me, letting our wounds stop us from taking more chances is akin to not learning from our past in the first place. We need to take our past and let it inform us, not control us. This world is amazing with new chances to act and do and see things we never have before coming several times every day. We need to take these chances and say yes… that is the only way to release our chains.
Blessings, G


Click on images to see full-sized:


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Space Warp AbstractionSpace Warp Abstraction by G A Rosenberg