Quote of the Day – January 13 2012

“Come, come, whoever you are.
Wanderer, worshipper, lover of leaving — it doesn’t matter,
Ours is not a caravan of despair.
Come, even if you have broken your vow a hundred times,
Come, come again, come.”

Ah this quote I may leave alone. Somethings get diminished by discussion or interpretation, Still I will say this, no matter how badly we may have messed up, still while we live, we continue on rather than give into despair. I feel a bit overwhelmed by grace and deeply thankful for my existence. Namaste, G


Today I put up the pictures from December 2011 into the 2011 Art-gallery/. Look through it and let me know in a comment which picture was your favourite from last month and you’ll be eligible to win a print of it. Saturday Jan 14 I will be picking the winner

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Fire Dancers in the Desert by G A Rosenberg

Azure Shadow by G A Rosenberg


Quote of the Day – December 24 2011

“In your light I learn how to love.
In your beauty, how to make poems.

You dance inside my chest,
where no one sees you,

but sometimes I do,
and that sight becomes this art


I love reading Rumi and quoting him. I find so much love, wisdom and understanding from him. In this case, I feel he doesn’t speak about an earthly love but love of Godhead (source, the universe, whichever brand name you wish to use) as reflected both without and within…Glimpses of our own spirit and connection with the all indeed makes for poetry and art 🙂

Last night was my 1000th posting on Waking Spirals. In the next week or so, i hope to do something special to commemorate it. For those who follow my art and these entries, a heartfelt thank you. Namaste and Many Blessings G

(In Honour of Christmas eve, besides a new picture I am also reposting my christmas picture from last year)

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Christmas Night by G A Rosenberg

He Needed Her Permission to Enter the Jewelled City by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – December 15 2011

“The dust of many crumbled cities settles over us like a forgetful doze, but we are older than those cities. We began as a mineral. We emerged into plant life and into the animal state, and then into being human, and always we have forgotten our former states, except in early spring when we slightly recall being green again. That’s how a young person turns toward a teacher. That’s how a baby leans toward the breast, without knowing the secret of its desire, yet turning instinctively. Humankind is being led along an evolving course, through this migration of intelligences, and though we seem to be sleeping, there is an inner wakefulness that directs the dream, and that will eventually startle us back to the truth of who we are.”

Good night to think about dreams.. In my mind, so connected to visions and desires. Can I dream without wanting? I differ from myself of a year or so ago in that I now believe the answer to be more likely yes..I dream the future, I dream things looking different than I see them look. Do I dream art into being? How about myself? How about all that I see with me? Doesn’t it all begin with a dream and then shaped by further dreams..I’ve heard people who believe reality to be what they dream described as fanciful. To me, they tend to be more honest, we all colour the world with our perceptions. Our perceptions determine our speech and actions which influences how others react, a chain of dominos knocked over by a perception, a whim or perhaps a dream.
Namaste, G

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My Dreams Have Colour and Texture by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – December 4 2011

“There is nothing I want but your presence
In friendship, time dissolves.

Life is a cup. This connection
is pure wine. What else are cups for?”

I’ve had an amazing week in Atlanta. The different types of people I’ve spoken too has been great and the number of connections and reconnections i have made.

Some interesting art and writing will in all probability come of it once it has all cooked a bit.
Will close with a question that I’ve heard asked of late and one that I extrapolate from it. Who holds your story?  Who has a hand in determining your reality? Are the two questions the same? Namaste,


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Circulating Storm by G A Rosenberg


Quote of the Day – November 20 2011

“The wound is the place where the Light enters you. ”

Many popular psychologists say that everyone on the planet exist as “walking wounded” to one extent or another. If that statement contains truth than this quote of Rumi’s becomes an amazingly hopeful one. We all have places where the light enters us. That resonates for me. Rumi’s statement also suggests where we can find the entrance of light place inside of us as well. I have long suspected that the areas in our life where we mess up the most tend to be the ones in which we can have our most intense successes. The place of our greatest wounds can also be the area of our lives in which we have the greatest chance  of healing others. Namaste

 — GAR


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Pyramid Sunrise by G A Rosenberg

Patterns by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – November 12 2011

‎”When your heart is cleansed of everything you
think you are
you’ll see yourself as a beloved old soul”

A friend of mine on Facebook has talked quite a bit lately about awareness of what’s going on in the world and the importance of ‘knowing what time it is’ and more and more I’ve been agreeing with him. We do seem to be in the end stages of several long games as a species. We have come to a point where we need to rid ourselves of artifice and live more in accordance with nature. Many have been teaching themselves to do that more and more. How to farm organically, build sustainable houses and other skills necessary to survive outside of current society. Others agree with this in theory, they just want to finish that last Big Mac or catch the last 15 min of the game before they start.
Of course, many others seem unable to even look at how badly the scenery of modern society frays and how several of the struts seem close to collapsing. They will keep on maintaining what balance they can until things crumple around them. Some people belong to neither of the other groups. They have awareness of what goes on around them in the world and either refuse to acknowledge it has any more validity than anything else on this physical plane of existence or they have a deep belief that some other entities (alien, angel, deity or higher dimensional self depending on whom you talk to) will rescue us at the last minute if only we work on ourselves, our own inner powers, love and positivity enough)
Which group do I belong to? I seem to have elements of both the first (Slowly, too slowly at times, I have been aligning myself more with nature), the second (oh i’ve gone vegetarian and i eat healthier but their are definitely things I need to free myself from.) and the last (I do believe that spiritual evolution and natural balance can and will work hand-in hand..)
I also believe that in order to make things work when the collapse happens we need an understanding of each other’s relative values. We need to know not only what the time is for us but what it is for others as well.
— G A Rosenberg

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X-Wheel of Fortune by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – November 4 2011

“be a falcon in your rapture
be a lion in your majesty
find the treasure of the contented soul
walk fast
get to the place where neither fast nor slow exist
ascend to the height where there is no high or low”

Another day with so much to contemplate tho have found that meditating with a group can be a powerful thing…meditating on love within a group even more so. =)
Can silence be the ultimate form of communication and that least misunderstood? I know that silence can be gleefully misinterpreted and often seems to be and yet…at least when I stay silent, I seldom feel as if I have said the wrong thing or said the right thing the wrong way. Namaste
–G A Rosenberg


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Early Atlantean Design by G A Rosenberg

Introspection by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – October 21 2011

“And if every way is closed before you. The secret one will show a path no other eyes have seen”

Mind is flying
performing tricks
leaping from subject to subject
without a net
beneath the witness
water flowing, observing, knowing
observing the wildness above
after all beyond time, beyond space
every game has run its course
and all happens happening happened
That cosmic perfect gem
only contained within space / time prison
does one find any urgency
— G A Rosenberg

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Wheel by G A Rosenberg

Nile Illusions by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – October 11 2011

“If you don’t find true balance, anyone can deceive you;
Anyone can trick out of a thing of straw,
And make you take it for gold
Don’t squat with a bowl before every boiling pot;
In each pot on the fire you find very different things.
Not all sugarcanes have sugar, not all abysses a peak;
Not all eyes possess vision, not every sea is full of pearls.”

Tonight I feel oddly balanced. I have come to an end of a few chapters in my life and my hand stands poised ready to turn the page to see what comes next. I feel complete and anticipatory. I feel joy with a bit of melancholy for spice. Most of all I feel grateful and have been finding many more reasons to feel this way. — G A Rosenberg


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Purple Star Healing by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – September 5 2011

“Be Silent now.
Say fewer and fewer praise poems.
Let yourself become living poetry.”
–Rumi, Soul Houses

Poetry moving with fluid rhythm
summing up one image or one mood perfectly
what is the theme of one’s life?
would each year be stanza, verse or new thought entirely
as one’s being creates itself anew…
–g a rosenberg

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Self-Imaging by G A Rosenberg